Fellow Conservative,
There is nothing worse than having to write these articles. The day after a mass shooting, the last thing we want to do is get dragged into the fight for our gun rights.
Today should be a time to heal and a time to learn what exactly happened. But instead, Obama is more interested in calling for even more gun control.
You see, the Oregon shooter got all of his guns legally from gun stores, meaning that background checks were performed. And even though he had an AR-15 on him, he only fired his pistol during the shooting. None of the Democrats’ gun control proposals would have stopped this.
It never ceases to amaze me how liberal politicians can come up gun control proposals before we even learn how the scumbag shooter got his gun. We didn’t even know the suspect’s name and Barack Obama was already in front of a microphone saying that this is why we need universal background checks.
I guess he forgot that Oregon has mandatory background checks for all gun purchases…
In his speech, Obama said that there are ways to stop these shootings and he turned to the United Kingdom and Australia as examples of what we should do. Both those countries confiscated their citizens’ firearms.
Yes. Obama just said he wants to confiscate the nation’s firearms.
Obama wants to confiscate your firearms! Tell Congress to STOP all of Obama’s anti-gun agenda!
Here’s Obama’s statement from earlier in the week:
“We know other countries in response to one mass shooting have been able to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings. Friends of ours, allies of ours, Great Britain, Australia, countries like ours. So we know there are ways to prevent it.”
Yes, we know what they did. They used police to confiscate the guns. The Australians reduced gun crime by seizing 1 million legally owned firearms and destroying them. For years, Democrats have been saying that they have no interest in taking away anyone’s guns. Surprise! That’s what they’ve wanted all along!
But what if I told you Obama was already hard at work implementing a confiscation program?
Here’s some of the programs that the Obama administration has tried to implement in the last year…
– The VA has been caught red-handed trying to confiscate veterans’ firearms without cause or due process.
– The Social Security Administration copied the VA’s program and began implementing a program to disarm elderly Americans.
– The ATF tried to ban a type of ammunition used in AR-15 rifles, the most popular gun in America.
– Obama administration officials have teamed up the United Nations to implement the UN Arms Trade Treaty on US soil.
None of these stories really made it into any of the major newspapers or news shows. But now, the goal is unavoidable.
The Obama administration is coming for your guns and he is calling on Congress to keep confiscation on the table!
Obama wants to confiscate your firearms! Tell Congress to STOP all of Obama’s anti-gun agenda!
Listen, we don’t get to pick our battles with this. The price of liberty and maintaining the Second Amendment is eternal vigilance.
When Obama was interviewed earlier this year, he said that the biggest regret of his Presidency was not being able to disarm the American people.
YOU helped make that happen! That’s because you fought tooth and nail against every gun control measure that came down the pike.
Well, I am asking you to answer this call once again to defend the Second Amendment!
Obama wants to confiscate your firearms! Tell Congress to STOP all of Obama’s anti-gun agenda!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily