Fellow Conservative,
Yesterday, House and Senate leaders met behind closed doors for a “conference” on the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act that Obama previously vetoed.
The compromise bill leaves-in many of the measures that we have pushed for. For example, Obama will be prevented from closing the military facility at Guantanamo Bay in his final 50 days in office and it looks like the Pentagon’s cache of WWI- and WWII-era 1911 service pistols will be offered for sale to civilian collectors.
But one measure is notably missing from the legislation: religious freedom protection for service members.
We brought you the case of Lt. Colonel Michael Kersten last month. He continues to face disciplinary action because when he was recently interviewed and asked if there was any figure he considered to be a role model, he responded “Christ.”
The Left launched a full assault demanding that Kersten be “visibly punished.” Their logic is that he violated the Air Force Instructional by “officially endorsing… a faith.”
This is absolute madness. He was asked who his role model was and he responded that it was Christ. Kersten told the interviewer, “He is my guide and affects all of my decisions. He teaches to do all things as unto the Lord and I believe this is synonymous with integrity first and excellence in all we do.”
The fact that he continues to face the prospect of disciplinary action is shameful.
There were a number of amendments put forward that would protect Kersten and others from being “visibly punished” for expressing their deeply held religious beliefs. This man wasn’t trying to convert people; he simply said that he looks up to Jesus.
The only thing that can protect Kersten and others from being purged from the Military in Obama’s final 50 days is protection in this year’s NDAA and only YOU can demand it!
Opponents have tried to label these sorts of amendments as “bigoted” or “hateful.” They have tried to slander these provisions as “discriminatory.” That couldn’t be farther from the truth.
You see, all branches of the military have provisions, in one shape or another, that require the enlisted and officers alike to “maintain high standards of honesty.” Yet, there are provisions in these military handbooks that call for soldiers to be punished if they make any outward expression of faith.
How can Kersten have been expected to “maintain high standards of honesty” if he is prohibited from telling the truth that his role model is Jesus Christ? It is just so backwards…
The Obama administration is waiting to see what leeway they have after the 2017 NDAA is passed. Make no mistake, if the President is allowed to continue punishing servicemen and women for expressing their faith, he will.
You are receiving this message because you have joined the fight to protect our soldiers in the past.
Whether it was the Navy Submariner who faced losing his parental rights because he couldn’t make his court hearing, the fight to reinstate Sgt. Charles Martland, who the administration tried to involuntarily discharge for shoving a confessed child rapist in Afghanistan, or the plight of this Air Force Lt. Colonel, you have always answered the call to help protect our men and women in uniform.
With 50 days left in the Obama Presidency, I am asking you to join this fight one last time.
We have the power to limit the damage that Obama can do in his final month and a half in office and that starts by forcing both the House and Senate to add religious freedom protections back into the National Defense Authorization Act!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily