The US Economy is being run and controlled by someone, some ‘governing’ entity. The question is, who, who is it?
I’m sure that you have heard the phrase, “Just follow the money.” Well, that is exactly what Steven Sadleir has done. Through his training, his career and education, he has gone to great lengths in research and development to understand the ‘money trail’ of the US and it has led him to some interesting conclusions.
This venture has not been in vain, nor has it been to implicate, it is simply to offer constructive solutions to our economies issues and give us, the people, an opportunity to prosper in this ‘system’ that has been created.
In order to put sanity back into government and take back the power of our nation, “we the people” need to be on top of our game. The first “action step” is to be informed, because knowledge is power.
You are invited to receive an insider’s view of how the world of money and banking work! Sign up now to attend a free introductory teleconference with Steven S. Sadleir on Wednesday, August 15th at 10:00am (11:00am Mountain, 12 Noon Central, 1:00pm Eastern). Dial 1 (530) 881-1400 then pin 762617# or Skype reeconferencecallhd.5308811400 pin 762617#.
And you can receive the Money & Power course at a discounted rate of $47.00 for a limited time—that is less than $6.00 per class! The course will be given via live teleconference at 10:00 am Pacific (11:00 am Mountain, Noon Central, and 1:00 pm Eastern) every Wednesday starting on August 22nd for 8 weeks. Each class will be recorded on MP3 format so you won’t miss anything and of course, you can listen to it again—and you will want to!
Pre-Order the Money & Power Course!
Secure your seat early because after the free introductory call, the price of the course will increase to $55.00.
The 8-week Money & Power Course will begin the following Wednesday, August 22nd at the same time listed above, but you will need to be registered to get the pin code. Sign up today and we will send you the link to the conference shortly!
Pre-Order the Money & Power Course!
A strong America is an informed America. Unfortunately, the mainstream media is not accurately informing us about who really controls our capitalist society and what really goes on with our financial system.
The Money & Power Course will teach you how money works, who controls it, and why we suffer.
Some of the topics we will address include:
- A brief history of US banking and the intension of the Founding Fathers
- Who owns the Federal Reserve and controls the international banking cartel?
- What caused the “debt crisis”, who was behind it and why did they create it?
- What does “globalization” mean and is there such a thing as the New World Order?
- What can be done about the oil crisis and our dependence on foreign oil?
- How come we don’t get all the facts and our representatives are fixing the problems?
- What can we do to turn our economy and government around?
Pre-Order The Money & Power Course!
In addition to offering this exciting and informative teleconference, is also featuring a series of articles each week based on Sadleir’s book Money & Power, the Secret History.
AN EXCERPT FROM THE CHAPTER, “President Jackson and No Bank”, Money and Power:
Andrew Jackson (1767-1845), the seventh president of the United States, was the last president to have fought in the Revolutionary War (at thirteen he served as a courier), and became famous for commanding the attack against the British army in the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812 and winning. Known as Old Hickory, Jackson was a fighter, in addition to fighting the Revolutionary War, and the War of 1812 and again in the First Seminole War, fighting the Seminole and Creek Indians in Georgia and Spanish Florida, and then in the Congress as a senator for the state of Tennessee. But his biggest battle, by his own account, was to put an end to the European styled central bank in America. Jackson was deter- mined to kill the bank, stating:
More than eight million of the stock of this bank are held by foreigners…Is there no danger to our liberty and independence in a bank that in its nature has so little to bind it to our country?
Jackson ran for president with the slogan Jackson and no bank. After being elected he did not renew the charter for the bank, and America experienced one of its most prosperous eras. In 1835, Jackson managed to reduce the federal debt to only $33,733.05, the lowest it had been since 1791. By implementing a tariff and term limits on elected officials he remains the only president to pay off the national debt, he also campaigned to abolish the Electoral College, which is politically manipulated, in favor of a one person, one vote system.
In President Jackson’s veto message he states his reasons for abolishing the central bank:
It concentrated the nation’s financial strength in a single institution
It exposed the government to control by foreign interests
It served mainly to make the rich richer
It exercised too much control over members of Congress
It favored northeastern states over southern and western states
A few select families controlled it.
It had a long history of instigating wars between nations, forcing them to borrow funding to pay for them.
After Jackson’s reelection he ordered the nation’s gold reserves to be moved from the Second Bank of the United States (the central bank) to the primary state banks. First he ordered Louis McLane, secretary of the treasury, to move the gold but McLane refused because he was a part of the bank syndicate. So he fired McLane and ordered the assistant secretary of the treasury who became Treasury Secretary, William J. Duane, who also refused and was subsequently fired, and so Jackson hired Roger B. Taney for the job. Taney finally complied. Two bankers refused the president of the United States—that’s how powerful the banking syndicate was even then. The Second Bank of the United States was run by Nicholas Biddle at that time, and he fought hard to keep his bank. He opposed Jackson and threatened a depression if the bank was not re-chartered stating: “If this worthy president thinks that because he has scalped Indians and imprisoned judges he is to have his way with the bank he is mistaken.”
In order to put pressure on the Congress to keep control of the bank and U.S. money supply, the bank restricted the money supply and made threats causing the Panic of 1837, and then Biddle even had the audacity to refuse to show the accounting books of the Central Bank to the Congress. In Biddle’s own words:
Nothing but widespread suffering will produce any effect on Congress…Our only safety is in pursuing a steady course of firm restriction—and I have no doubt that such a course will ultimately lead to restoration of the currency and re-charter of the bank.
Three days after Jackson’s veto to end the bank, an assassination attempt was made on the president. Jackson, of course, believed the bankers were behind the attempt and took much pleasure in knowing that they failed. They never caught the conspirators. Biddle was arrested and charged with fraud but was later acquitted. When Andrew Jackson was asked in the later years of his life what his most significant accomplishment was, he replied, “I killed the bank.”
The period following the fall of the Second Bank of the United States is referred to as the Free Banking Era (1837-1862). In this period, only state-chartered banks existed, and they could issue bank notes against specie (gold and silver coins), and they regulated their own reserve requirements, interest rates, and capital ratios. The real value of these bank bills was often lower than its face value, with the financial strength of the bank determined the size of the discount. By 1797 there were twenty- four chartered banks in the United States. This unregulated market led to what was called Wildcat Banking, which created inflation, too many banks were creating too many notes, the currency wasn’t being regulated. To help stabilize the banking industry in New York, the banks came together to create a form of insurance they called the New York Safety Fund, which provided deposit insurance for member banks.
The years after Jackson and before the Civil War were boom years for the United States, although the banks and government were having difficulties managing inflation, they prospered, and employment was high. The European bankers and royalty were concerned about the prosperity of the United States and the power that comes with it, so they plotted to divide and conquer our nation, and take control of the currency and commerce. Otto von Bismark (1815-1898) was the prime minister of Prussia; he unified the many kingdoms of Germany into the German Empire in 1871, becoming its first chancellor. Bismark sat in the central seat of European power at the time. Explaining the balance of power going on at the time he said: “The division of the United States into the federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War by the high financial powers of Europe. These bankers were afraid that the United States, if they remained as one block, and as one nation, would attain economic and financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over the world.”
Pre-Order The Money & Power Course!
Learn more about the history of money, the World Bank, monopolies and how it has shaped our society in Steven S. Sadleir’s new book, Money & Power, the Secret History.
And remember to sign up for the 8-week mini course so you will be empowered and informed and ready to take back America!
Tony Adkins
P.S. – Remember, you are invited to attend the free introductory teleconference with Mr. Sadleir on Wednesday, August 15th at 10:00am (11:00am Mountain, 12 Noon Central, 1:00pm Eastern). Dial 1 (530) 881-1400 then pin 762617# or Skype freeconferencecallhd.5308811400 pin 762617#.
The 8-week Money & Power Course will begin the following Wednesday, August 22nd at the same time listed above, but you will need to be registered to get the pin code. Sign up today and we will send you the link to the conference shortly!