Fellow Conservative,
A few days ago, I notified you of the lawsuit that could possibly blow the lid off the entire IRS scandal.
We know for a fact that the IRS was targeting conservative Americans because of their political beliefs and we know for a fact that the IRS was illegally funneling taxpayer information to the White House.
The goal now is to connect the dots. But the Obama administration has announced it is withholding thousands of documents related to the White House’s coordination with the IRS during the targeting scandal!
You see, it is illegal for the IRS to hand over any sensitive taxpayer information, even to the White House. The law (26 U.S.C. §6103) explicitly forbids sharing taxpayer data like this. It says that no government employee “shall disclose any return or return information obtained by him in any manner…”
So when IRS agents gave civilians’ tax return data to the White House, this action was a clear violation of the law.
A lawsuit is working its way through court to force the administration to hand over these documents. But the White House is refusing to hand them over, claiming that doing so would violate the improper disclosure prohibition in… you guessed it… 26 USC §6103.
So the White House broke the law and illegally obtained taxpayer information from the IRS but is using the same law to justify withholding the evidence from Congressional investigators and the Courts…
This is absolutely criminal!
What is even worse is that Congress is letting Obama get away with it. Agents within the White House broke the law. There’s no reason for taxpayer information to be sent to White House, or anywhere in the government for that matter.
Remember when Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) claimed to have proof that Mitt Romney never paid his taxes? Where do you think he got that idea? Confidential taxpayer data doesn’t just wind up on the Senate Majority leader’s desk by accident… The IRS has to put it there.
At the height of the IRS targeting scandal, confidential tax returns were being shared among Democrats in multiple government agencies, departments, and branches. There was a concerted effort to use every “tool” at their disposal to defeat Republicans in 2012.
And now, just when all of this is about to be proven, the White House hides behind the law it broke to stop the evidence from coming out!
We are living in dangerous times. Never before in our history have we faced such an out of control and lawless executive branch.
This is what is so broken about our system. When the branch in charge of enforcing the law deliberately violates it, justice will continue to be out of reach.
That is why we must force Congress to act! We know that the White House won’t punish itself for breaking the law and the administration has already defied a court order and refused to surrender the documents.
Only Congress can force the White House to hand over these damning documents and only YOU can force your Congressman and Senators to make this a priority.
But hurry. The more time goes by, the more opportunities the White House has to destroy evidence!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily