Fellow Conservative,
Hillary Clinton is laughing. She thinks this is all a joke. She can't understand why anyone cares about her putting America's national security at risk. But the only joke here is her aspiration to be President.
The FBI has Clinton’s email server in their possession. They discovered the server in a bathroom closet in an apartment in Denver. Does that sound like a secure facility?
But worse than that, FBI digital forensic analysts have discovered that yes, someone attempted to “wipe” the hard drive. Wiping a hard-drive is a deliberate effort to destroy data in a way so it can never be recovered. This isn’t done accidentally. Short of physically destroying it, a clean wipe is clearest way to destroy data.
Listen to what the FBI said: They said that “someone attempted” to wipe the hard drive. They are confident that not only was Hillary incompetent as Secretary of State, but she was equally incompetent when it came to deleting her emails.
However, this is where it gets truly sinister. Yesterday, a reporter brought this issue to Hillary Clinton’s attention during a press conference. The reporter asked her a simple question: “did you wipe the server clean?”
Do you know how Hillary Clinton responded? She asked the reporter did he mean “with a cloth?” She just laughed it off.
Oh, Hillary can laugh. She can laugh her way all the way to her prison cell.
Send your FaxBlast NOW demanding that Congress put Hillary Clinton where she belongs – in prison!
Here’s the other doozy. Not only was the server located in someone’s bathroom closet in Denver – which is a far cry from Hillary’s claim that the server was located in her Chappaqua, New York home – but it was also accessed by a number of people who had absolutely no business accessing classified information.
And by the way, the tally of classified files is now above 305.
It’s just so sinister and all Hillary seems interested in doing is laughing it off.
Well, Hillary can surely refine her comedy routine at the prison open mic night.
The FBI will find out what she deleted. They will find out who Hillary allowed to access this classified information. It is only a matter of time.
But quite frankly, we don’t have time. We don’t have time to wait years for the FBI to tell us what we already know: Hillary Clinton is a criminal.
Congress has just as much power to investigate and arrest this thief as the Obama administration does. But this isn’t a priority to them. They’re more interested in chipping away at your privacy and handing out more corporate welfare…
The only thing missing is you. YOU need to raise hell. YOU need to make sure that your Congressmen and Senators can’t avoid this any longer.
Send your FaxBlast NOW demanding that Congress put Hillary Clinton where she belongs – in prison!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily