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What Happened Last Night Was a Terror Attack

I have tried to keep a level head. I have tried to suppress commentary until all the facts were released.

But I can stay silent no more. We know enough facts. What happened last night in Dallas was a terror attack and Black Lives Matter is a terrorist group. Period.

Don’t fall for their faux outrage. For over a year, Black Lives Matter protesters have been calling for police officers to be killed. Last night, one of them followed through.

We all remember the chants.

“Pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon.”

“What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? Now!”

Now we have five police officers dead and another seven wounded and we’re supposed to believe it’s unconnected?

It’s time for Black Lives Matter to be declared a terrorist organization.

How many more people need to die before we will call this hate group what it is? FaxBlast and DEMAND that Congress officially designate Black Lives Matter as a terror group!

When the scumbag in Charleston killed those people in cold blood, all we heard from the politicians and the media was that we had to ban the so-called ‘Confederate Flag.’ It was "hate speech," they said. 

There was a huge push to remove any mention of the Confederacy or southern history, all because some racist shot up an African American church.

After last night, you won’t hear the President or other Democrats denounce the Black Lives Matter movement. You’ll undoubtedly hear him and others pivot to gun control. CNN has already started pushing out headlines trying to connect the number of handgun permits in Texas to last night’s tragedy. 

Almost like clockwork, today Attorney General Loretta Lynch made a statement. Instead of focusing wholly on the police officer victims of last night's terror attack, she took the time to promise Black Lives Matter protesters that she would protect their right to shout hateful speech at their rallies; protect their right to call for police to be killed. Instead of announcing a civil rights hate crime investigation into the fact that the gunman targeted white cops, Lynch announced the formation of a hate crime investigation into the officer-involed shootings that apparently prompted last night's shooter to launch his attack.

It's disgusting. Even after this horrible attack, the Obama administration is lining up to support the very groups that are encouraging this violence.

It’s time to call a spade, a spade. When a protest movement calls for cops to be killed, and then a member of that movement carries that out, it’s time to shut it down. The shooter confessed that he was doing this because he wanted to kill white people, specifically white cops.

And we have sitting-Congressmen who have taken to the floor of the House to spread Black Lives Matter’s radical agenda? Unacceptable.

Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization. It is no different than the radical Black Panther movement of the past.

It is disgusting how BLM supporters on social media are actually celebrating what happened last night. The news showed footage of protesters, even after the shooting, egging on police to try to start a confrontation.

I don’t care how many people in the movement have honest intentions. When a group predicates itself on saying that only one group of people’s lives matter, there’s a serious problem.

I went back and forth over whether to even send this email. But at this point, I don’t even care. I don't care if it offends anyone's sensibilities. It has to be said!

Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization and it is about time that Congress designates them as such.

Enough is enough! FaxBlast Congress and DEMAND that Black Lives Matter be designated a terror group for encouraging this senseless violence!

All lives matter,

Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

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