Fellow Conservative,
The establishment just realized it is on life support and it is refusing to go down without a fight.
They are bought and paid for. They are caught between their promises to the American people and the demands of their corporate interests.
One year ago, to the day, Mitch McConnell promised that he would stop Obama’s amnesty once the party exhausted all judicial avenues. With Scalia’s passing, there is no chance that the Supreme Court will stop Obama. None at all.
The Obama administration has all of the work permits and social security cards printed. As soon as the Supreme Court rules on their side and allows them to finance the President’s amnesty program, they will be mailed out. At that point, it will be too late to stop them.
It’s time for Mitch McConnell to put up or shut up. He said he would put legislation to a vote once the judicial track failed. That day has come.
News broke this week of something that is truly despicable. If it has seemed like Conservative media and talk show hosts have changed their opinions on immigration reform since 2013, they have.
In 2013, Marco Rubio and Roger Ailes, the head of Fox News, met with Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, and other Conservative talk radio hosts to convince them to ‘go easy’ on the Gang of Eight’s immigration bill. Rubio and Ailes said that amnesty was in the best interest of the Republican Party and it was Conservative media’s job to convince them.
I don’t think that Mark Levin stooped so low, but there is significant evidence that other talk show hosts did, after attending this dinner meeting, scale back their criticism of the amnesty bill. The establishment colluded with Fox News and Conservative media personalities to try to trick the American people into accepting amnesty for illegal aliens. Now, they’re doing the same thing by trying to rebrand Marco Rubio’s Presidential campaign.
We here at Conservative Daily aren’t going to tell you who to vote for. But we are, however, going to tell you that the GOP Establishment does not have your interests at heart. They are dying, they know it, and they have never been more dangerous!
They have promised us they would stop Obama’s amnesty and simultaneously worked with big business to push legislation through to legalize illegal aliens.
They’re talking out of both sides of their mouths and they think you’re too stupid to notice.
As I said, it is time for us to force Ryan and McConnell to put up or shut up.
They are trying to run out the clock. If they can just last until the Supreme Court rules in Obama’s favor, they think they can walk out in front of the podium and give the same rehearsed speech of how they tried but there’s nothing they could do…
Why wouldn’t they expect you to give them a pass on this?
They do this on every issue. Gun control, abortion, budget fights, you name it… They promise to fight and then do absolutely nothing.
They expect us to roll over and just accept that you’re powerless to stop the RINO establishment. But they’re wrong.
You have all the power! But only if you use it!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily