Fellow Conservative,
Early last year, a three judge panel from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down California’s “good cause” requirement for citizens to obtain a license to carry a concealed firearm. The case – Peruta v. San Diego County – was decided by a 2-1 split decision.
“Good cause” is the benchmark California uses to force residents to prove why they should be allowed to exercise their Second Amendment rights. Different states use different names.
It is referred to as “justifiable need” in New Jersey, Maryland uses a “good and substantial reason” test, and in New York, citizens are forced to prove a “special need for self-protection.”
While these benchmarks might go by different names, they all serve a single purpose: stopping citizens from exercising their right to bear arms in public.
Now, the liberal-dominated 9th Circuit Court is going to rehear the Peruta case en banc and they will surely rule against the Second Amendment unless Congress intervenes!
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has far more liberal judges than conservative ones. Simple math says that Californians and Hawaiians are about to have their 2nd Amendment rights infringed on once again.
It is called the bill of rights, and not the bill of needs, for a reason. It would be unconscionable to require citizens to prove a “justifiable need” before being allowed to freely practice their religion.
If soldiers knock on your door, you don’t have to provide a “good cause” for why they can’t quarter themselves in your house.
No one is asked to prove a “special need” before being allowed to vote or receiving a trial before a jury of his or her peers.
The Second Amendment says that the “right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” The Supreme Court ruled in Heller v. District of Columbia that the term “bear arms” means to carry them.
But a minority of liberal states – including California – bastardize the Bill of Rights and require citizens to prove why they should be allowed to defend themselves in public. While the wealthy and powerful are approved for carry licenses, average citizens are always denied. The “good cause” requirement is impossible to meet.
We get a lot of emails asking why we push so hard for national concealed carry reciprocity. People email us saying that this is nothing but a veiled attempt to restrict gun rights by Congress deciding who can carry and who can’t.
I respectfully disagree. As someone who used to live in New Jersey, I know too well what happens when liberal state governments are allowed to ride roughshod over the Constitution. These laws do nothing to stop criminals from carrying illegal weapons. They only serve to disarm law-abiding Americans. Criminals aren’t asking Congress to allow them to carry guns across state lines. They already do that.
For those reading this who live in Free America, where your right to carry is respected, it is easy to be skeptical about CCW reciprocity. But for millions of Americans living behind the gun control iron curtain, this is literally a life or death issue.
These Leftist state regimes disarm the law-abiding citizens and leave them powerless to defend against the criminals that walk among them (who by definition don’t follow the laws anyway).
If we can get a national right to carry bill passed, it would open the door for more than 26% of the population to defend themselves in public if they so desire, which is what the Founders intended.
Now, I would be skeptical about allowing Congress to run such a program. I don’t like the idea of Congress deciding who is allowed to carry. But that is not what CCW Reciprocity is…
If passed, the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act would make carry permits just like driver’s licenses and valid across state lines.
States like New York and California would be forced to allow Texans and Floridians with valid concealed weapons permits to carry within these liberal states as well. Of course, they would be required to obey local laws. Then, these liberal states would have no choice to allow their residents to carry weapons for self defense as well.
I don’t care whether you agree with the Second Amendment or not. Constitutional rights are decided by popularity.
Law-abiding Americans have a right to carry firearms for self-defense. Period.
States have the power to institute permit requirements in order to carry. Period.
But states cannot use strict regulations to create de facto bans on concealed carry. Period.
If you live in a state that respects your right to carry, then I implore you to FaxBlast Congress now and help extend that right to the 82 million Americans (26% of the population) whose rights are being denied.
If you live in one of these Liberal states behind the gun control iron curtain, send this to your friends and DEMAND that Congress pass national CCW reciprocity!
Max McGuire
Conservative Daily