Fellow Conservative,
I can't believe it. Of all days, Congress has chosen September 11th to begin voting on the Iran nuclear deal.
Reminder: this deal will funnel $150 billion to the leading state sponsor of terrorism.
Over the past few weeks, we have fought hard to have Boehner and McConnell removed from power. All in all, we have sent close to a million faxes calling for their ousting. We've received confirmation that leadership votes will be held this Fall. Not soon enough, but at least it is going to happen.
For now, though, you have a Constitutional obligation to put a stop to this suicidal and horrible nuclear deal!
Here's what happens if Obama wins on this…
– In ten years, no matter what, Iran will be allowed to build a nuclear weapon.
– Iran can leave the agreement at any time and be able to build a bomb within 2 months.
– $150 billion will go to the Iranian regime and some of that will be funnelled to terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.
– Iran will be allowed to self-inspect its most notorious nuclear facility and self-certify that nuclear weapons are no longer being made.
– None of the US citizens in Iranian prisons will be released.
Now, what do we get in return? What did we gain from this deal?
The Iranian economy was flatlining and we, as a country, had all the leverage in the world. So what are we gaining from this nuclear agreement? Absolutely nothing.
The latest polling shows that 80% of Americans want Congress to stop this deal.
So you can imagine my surprise to learn that the President was actually calling Senate Democrats and asking them to filibuster the vote. He doesn't want Congress to have any say. Obama doesn't want you to have a say. He's not interested in representing the American people. President Obama is only interested in building a monument to himself.
Congress is cleared to start voting on this suicidal nuclear deal TODAY, on the 14th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.
If you stay silent, then the Democrats and RINOs will succeed in pushing the nuclear agreement through. But if you raise-hell… If you get loud and make it impossible for Congress to ignore you… well, then we stand a chance.
This isn't going to be easy but nothing worth fighting for ever is. Can you imagine if the founders gave up fighting the British because it wasn't going to be easy?
History is full of brave Patriots who fought not because it was easy, but because it was hard, challenging, and worth fighting for.
Decades from now, future generations will look back on this day and see that brave Patriots stood up and said "not one step forward." You have a opportunity to make history today. Take it!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily