Their names are Senators Bob Corker (R-TN), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and Susan Collins (R-ME). All four of these Senators were threatening to derail Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation yesterday.
The four of these GOPers succeeded. After they issued their threats, Congressional Republicans canceled Thursday's committee hearing to vote on Kavanaugh's nomination.
Congress is now rushing to give the "accuser" a forum to air her allegations and demanding that Brett Kavanaugh answer to them under oath.
The Left's plan is working!
His accuser — Christine Blasey Ford — is an unapologetic leftist. Right after she went public with her "story," Ford scrubbed her social media page so we all couldn't see what she's been saying over these past couple years.
But we know she is a leftist, "pussy hat" wearing resistance member. In July, she teamed up with the ACLU to sue the President for enforcing our immigration laws at the southern border. As a professor, she routinely goes after conservative students.
She claims that she "never wanted to tell this story." But if that was true, why did she pay to have a polygraph done in August and hire a liberal lawyer — Debra Katz — who helped raise more than 25k for the Clinton campaign in 2016?
By her own admission, Christine Blasey Ford 'doesn't remember' all of the details about the night she claims she was assaulted. In 2012, notes indicate she told her therapist that four unnamed boys attacked her at a party. Today, she claims that it was only two and that one of them was Brett Kavanaugh. She also can't even remember what year the "attack" happened. The only thing she remembers is that it was in the "early 1980s."
Kavanaugh doesn't just deny sexually assaulting her… he just denied ever going to a party like that. The other boy who apparently witnessed the "assault" says he has no idea what this woman is talking about and that she is "absolutely nuts." The whole thing is a concocted smear campaign and the GOP is falling for it.
To his credit, Mitch McConnell has been holding firm, delivering a blistering speech from the Senate floor condemning Democrats for this ploy. But when these four Republicans joined the Democrats and threatened to vote no on Kavanaugh, the GOP had no choice but to cancel the meeting.
Now, this coming Monday, this woman will be given at least an hour to spin her lies before the entire country. And Brett Kavanaugh will be required to respond.
She can't prove anything. She has no evidence, whatsoever, that this assault took place. But that isn't the point. Kavanaugh can't prove it didn't happen. This isn't a court of law. Senator Dianne Feinstein already gave the FBI the information and they declined to investigate any of this.
No, this is about trying Brett Kavanaugh in the court of public opinion! The left has never stooped this low…
We all know Jeff Flake has promised to vote against the President's judicial nominees. As I told you yesterday, he even fled the country to Africa this summer to skip important Judiciary Committee votes.
Bob Corker is also a rabid NeverTrumper. He too was forced to retire after his anti-Trump comments torpedoed his primary chances.
Then, there are Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins. Both had already threatened to vote no because of Brett Kavanaugh's pro-life positions. The Left is mobilizing everything they've got to swing these two RINOs.
We can only stand to lose one Republican. Any more than that and Kavanaugh's confirmation will fail. Now, there are FOUR Republicans threatening to vote no if the GOP doesn't keep Kavanaugh off the bench!
Right now as you read this, Democrats are flooding Capitol Hill to pressure these GOPers, and even Moderate Democrats, into abandoning the nominee. They are wandering the halls of Congress and literally protesting inside their offices. It is guaranteed that once Monday's hearing comes along, there will be dozens of protesters in the room to derail the proceedings.
I can't tell you enough how damaging it would be for Kavanaugh to be kept off the bench. But that is the Left's plan. Derail his confirmation, stop him from reaching the Supreme Court, and then take back Congress to block Trump from nominating anyone else.
You don't have to fly to DC to have your voice heard. You don't need to write every member of Congress by hand. You can hit all of them, right now, with just the touch of a button!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily