On Today's podcast, we spoke with Wisconsin State Representative Tim Ramthun, the man leading the charge to recall Wisconsin's 2020 Electoral College Electors. (Here's where you can listen to it)
One of the recurring themes from our podcast was that the election fraud was obvious from the very beginning and the Electors never should have been certified. And yet, there was a rush in these fraudulent states to certify their electors as fast as possible. They wanted to cement the fraud.
The only safeguard against this kind of election fraud was for Congress to block the Electoral College vote from being certified. On January 6th, we had lined up enough Congressmen and Senators to formally challenge the Electoral College results from all of the fraudulent states. Right as this started, a combination of Leftist agitators and Federal infiltrators stormed the police barricades outside the Capitol and the rest is history.
Congress ran to their bunkers and when they returned later in the day, there were no longer Senators willing to co-sponsor the Electoral College challenges. The GOP Establishment got to them and forced them to withdraw their support. They sabotaged the last-ditch effort to stop Joe Biden's fraud.
Well now, they want to make this sabotage permanent. The same RINOs who interfered with the challenges to the Electoral College ballots are now offering to help Democrats eliminate the ability for Congress to challenge the results all together!
The so-called "compromise" is being pushed by Mitch McConnell and his allies. Instead of supporting the Left's nationwide voter fraud bills like H.R. 1, McConnell is offering to help them amend the Electoral Count of 1887 to eliminate the ability for Members of Congress or the Vice President to interfere with the Electoral College certification.
The root of the word certify is "certain." Congress is only supposed to certify election results when it is certain that the results are legitimate. If there is doubt, then they are supposed to withhold certification.
McConnell's plan would eliminate this provision and require that Congress certify results no matter what, even if members believe them to be fraudulent.
The plan would also eliminate the Vice President's ability to refuse to count disputed Electoral College ballots. The Electoral Count Act was passed after the country narrowly avoided a second civil war because of the disputed election of 1876. Democrat Samuel Tilden went up against Republican Rutherford B. Hayes. All seemed normal until reports of widespread voter fraud emerged in Florida, Louisiana, and Alabama. Democrats claimed victory in those three states, but there were enough allegations of fraud and intimidation of Republican voters to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the returns. Without these three states, Democrat Samuel Tilden fell one Electoral College vote shy of the 185 necessary (at the time) to win the Presidency.
In these three states, the legislatures certified a different winner than the executive branch. Congress ended up receiving competing slates of electors for these three states. Unable to decide which was legitimate, the Congress created a commission to study the issue and come up with a solution. Ultimately, Democrats agreed to give Republicans the Presidency if they agreed to withdraw Federal troops from the South.
The Electoral Count Act was passed to ensure that if this ever happened again and there was doubt in whether or not the Electoral College slate was legitimate, not only could Congress challenge it but the Vice President could also choose which slate is the most legitimate.
To his eternal shame, Mike Pence refused to exercise this power last year. But now Republicans want to make it so that no Vice President can ever reject disputed Electoral College slates…
Democrats know that they're not going to get their nationwide election law changes. If they want to steal elections, they'll have to do it on a state-by-state basis. The fight is not over, but we scored a major victory last week when we blocked their nationwide voter fraud bill.
Now, the RINOs want to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and change the law so that if Democrats are able to steal states again, Congress would be literally powerless to stop them.
Do not let them surrender like this!
We are over the target. We won in Congress when we defeated the Left's nationwide election fraud bill and we are winning in most states as well.
Now, the Traitor RINOs want to give it all away…
They are doing this because they think they can get away with it. They are counting on the fact that the majority of the American people don't know what the Electoral Count Act of 1887 is, so they won't fight back when they try to change it.
But you know what is happening here and with that knowledge comes a DUTY to take action and stop them before it's too late!
Defend the Republic!
Max McGuire
Conservative Daily