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Update: Massive Amnesty Bill Moving Forward in Congress!

Last week, we told you about how the establishments of both parties were using the impeachment process to hide the fact that they have been colluding to pass a massive amnesty bill. They wanted to make sure the country was paying attention to the impeachment sham, and not the fact that they were planning to stab us all in the back.

The bill is called the Farm Workforce Modernization Act. The House passed their version of the bill a little more than a week ago. But since the Senate version has major differences, both chambers will have to vote on the legislation again in order for it to become law.

But don't let the name fool you. This is nothing but an amnesty bill.

If it becomes law, this legislation would offer amnesty, permanent residency, and even a pathway to citizenship to more than 1.5 million illegal aliens!

Stop the Establishment from passing pass this amnesty bill! Tell Congress right now that any Republican or Democrat, Congressman or Senator, who votes for this amnesty package will be removed from office!

The bill starts by offering permanent amnesty to illegal alien farm workers. Any illegal alien that claims to have worked in the agricultural industry would instantly be protected from deportation.

The main problem, though — besides the fact that illegal immigration shouldn't be rewarded — is that by being "undocumented," these illegal aliens don't actually have proof that they are farm workers. They are almost all paid under the table using fraudulent identities. The legislation has no enforcement mechanism, so any illegal alien would be able to claim they are a farm worker, and the government would have no choice but to believe them…

And it gets worse: Not only does the amnesty cover these "alleged" farm workers, but it would be extended to their immediate family as well. If one parent works on a farm, then their spouse and children would receive amnesty and deportation protection as well. Again, since these people do not have documentation, there is no way to actually prove who is related to whom.

We already see this in the migration crisis at the border. People are showing up with children in-tow and claiming to be related because they know the law protects families from immediate deportation. 

We warned that the GOP was going to help push this bill through. The legislation had 25 Republican co-sponsors. A whopping 34 GOPers ended up voting with Democrats during the first vote.

Why are Republicans supporting this ridiculous amnesty bill? Their corporate donors are demanding it! This legislation would provide GOP donors with millions of cheap laborers who will work for less than an American worker.

It really is stunning. These Congressmen and Senators were sent to DC to work on behalf of the American people. Instead, both parties are working together to pass a bill to not only legalize over 1.5 million illegal aliens, but also to grant them workplace rights and protections.

And they want to STOP you from figuring it out!

Stop the Establishment from passing pass this amnesty bill! Tell Congress right now that any Republican or Democrat, Congressman or Senator, who votes for this amnesty package will be removed from office!

But they couldn't keep a surrender bill of this magnitude a secret for long. Now, you know exactly what the GOP and Democrat leaders are trying to do. 

And that means it is up to YOU to stop them!

Since the Senate bill is substantially different from the House version, that means that both chambers will need to vote on the amnesty bill again before it could ever become law.

Democrats are already lining up with a half dozen other amnesty bills to cover other parts of the economy, like the food/service and hospitality industries. They know they will not be able to grant amnesty to all illegal aliens in one bill, so they are passing it piece by piece.

That is why it is so important to kill this amnesty bill before they can push it through.

And there is still time to kill this legislation, but only if you act now!

Stop the Establishment from passing pass this amnesty bill! Tell Congress right now that any Republican or Democrat, Congressman or Senator, who votes for this amnesty package will be removed from office!


Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

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