Fellow Conservative,
Today is the day. Congress is finally back from vacation and there is a laundry list of legislation that has to be voted on.
The first issue on the agenda is the Iran deal. Now, Barack Obama claims he has enough votes to push it through, but it isn’t over until it’s over. Even Obama’s allies are feeling the heat on this.
Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), for example, is holding an emergency meeting today with his state’s Jewish community leaders.
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the head of the Democratic National Committee, was crying her eyes out yesterday when announcing her “support” for the Iran deal.
No one wants to vote for this horrible deal. Even its supporters are shaking in their boots and just looking for an opportunity to vote against it. It is up to YOU to demand that they take that opportunity!
Right now, Harry Reid (D-NV) is planning to filibuster the Iran deal vote. Because the vote has a hard-deadline, Reid’s goal is to filibuster long enough to push Congress past the legally-imposed deadline. If that happens, the Iran deal becomes law by default.
The filibuster is designed to stop Obama from having to veto a Congressional Resolution of Disapproval. If Congress votes down the agreement, it would be a stunning blow to the administration.
It is hard to argue the President has the American people’s interests at heart if majorities in both chambers vote it down. That’s why liberals are so bent on preventing a vote. They want to protect Obama from this shame.
It’s just so disgracefully political. These clowns voted to make sure Congress had input in the Iran deal and now they want to stop the vote all together to shield the President and protect his legacy.
As I said, every Democrat who pledged support to this horrible deal is being bombarded with angry letters, faxes, and phone calls. We only need to swing a couple of them.
There is an emergency committee meeting in the House Rules Committee today. The Rules Committee is the last step in a bill’s journey to a full floor vote. Once the Rules Committee clears H.J.Res. 64, then a full vote could come literally at any time today.
In a day and age when Congress passes bills that are thousands of pages long, H.J.Res. 64 is just two pages.
You can’t afford to sit on your heels on this one. You need to maintain vigilance. A vote could literally come at any time today!
This deal paves the way forward for a nuclear Iran. Instead of eliminating Iran’s right to a nuclear weapon, the deal simply forces the Islamic Republic to wait patiently.
A vote for this agreement is suicide and CANNOT be allowed to happen!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily