Fellow Conservative,
The first group of Syrian refugees has arrived in the United States under Obama’s “surge” program.
Prior to this, it would take 12-24 months to process a Syrian refugee’s application. This was necessary to interview all the applicants and run background checks to make sure they weren’t terrorists.
The President actually touted the 24-month wait as proof that his administration was doing the right thing and slow-walking the applications to weed out terrorists and terrorist sympathizers.
So you can imagine my surprise to learn that the first major group of Syrian refugees arrived in the US today.
It turns out that the Barack Obama has thrown safety and security to the wind brought in the Syrian refugees in what the administration is calling “surge resettlement.” Instead of waiting the full 24 months to vet these people and risk Congress shutting the program down, Barack Obama has condensed the entire refugee application process to just over two months. They are bringing these “refugees” here literally as quickly as possible and putting every one of us at risk!
No background checks. Of the 10,000 Syrians that Obama has slated to arrive by September, not one of them had or will have a background check certified by a Federal agency.
Congress tried to force the administration to perform full, certified background checks on refugees but Democrats blocked the bill in the Senate. Apparently, asking the President to certify that these people don’t pose a threat to us was too much to ask?
You can see why. Barack Obama had no intention of ever putting our safety first. His only desire is to bring these people here as fast as possible, even if that means skipping steps in the background check process.
The intelligence establishment has determined that it takes upwards of two years to properly vet these refugees. Obama has thrown that safety protocol out the window and has started bring Syrians here after only two MONTHS!
This is treason. The President was instructed by his intelligence agents that it takes 1-2 years to fully run background checks on them and instead of keeping the country safe, he decided to bring them here no-questions-asked.
The first group of Syrian refugees under Obama’s boneheaded “surge” program has already landed in Kansas City. Who knows where they’ll go after that.
Our timetable just got shorter. Obama is expediting bringing Syrian refugees in, even if that means skipping steps in the background check process. He would rather put Americans at risk than make sure these people are who they say they are. We cannot wait any longer.
From hence forth, every day that Congress waits means another “refugee” coming here without being vetted. You CANNOT let that happen!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily