For years, we have known that the country is worse off with Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House. But her actions over the past week have proven that we simply cannot risk keeping her in power any longer.
Yesterday, we reported that Nancy Pelosi had tried to sneak an abortion funding provision into the Coronavirus response bill that would have abandoned 44 years of precedent and given Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers the right to bill the government directly for abortion procedures. With everything going on, Nancy Pelosi's focus was to legalize government-funded abortions…
Yes, she tried to use the coronavirus crisis to push her party's radical abortion agenda, but she was also using it as a poison pill to use against Republicans. If the GOP had voted against the coronavirus spending package because of the abortion provisions, Democrats would have been able to use those votes against them.
Don't believe me? Nancy Pelosi delayed the original coronavirus spending bill specifically so that the Democrats could run negative campaign ads accusing vulnerable Republicans of doing nothing to fight the virus. Legislation was sitting on Nancy Pelosi's desk, waiting for a vote, and she chose to wait until AFTER Super Tuesday so that the Democrat Party could run campaign ads against the GOP…
Nancy Pelosi could have pushed this bill through. She could have advanced a clean bill. But instead of doing what was best for the American people, she politicized the process and did what was best for her Party.
She is unfit to serve in any capacity!
We have covered Nancy Pelosi's crimes in-depth. She violated the Logan Act when she traveled overseas to undermine the Trump administration at the UN Climate Conference. Pelosi told world governments to stop negotiating with President Trump and to work with Congressional Democrats instead.
Then, we saw Nancy Pelosi — on live television — rip up the President's State of the Union speech and literally toss it in the trash. As disgusting as that was, it was also technically a violation of the Federal Records Act because Pelosi deliberately mishandled an official government document she had a duty to preserve.
While the President was coordinating the United States' preparations for the Coronavirus, what was Nancy Pelosi doing in January and early February? She was pushing forward with her party's sham impeachment. Instead of working with the President to keep the country safe, she was trying to literally remove him from office.
The legal case for Nancy Pelosi to prosecuted is rock solid. But we cannot wait for that. When we see Nancy Pelosi deliberately delaying a lifesaving Coronavirus response bill… when we see Pelosi play politics with the spending package to try to force Republicans to approve government funded abortions… we simply cannot risk it anymore.
Nancy Pelosi has proven that she cannot be trusted to put country over politics. But the only way to remove her from power is for YOU to demand it!
We have always made our opinion on Nancy Pelosi known. We have said from day one that the country would be far better off without her, than with her. I take no pleasure in making this call today.
We have known that Pelosi was willing to undermine the President and Republicans in order to advance her political ambitions. But she has shown now that she is also willing to put the American people at risk to get more power.
This isn't just about Nancy Pelosi holding us back, anymore. Nancy Pelosi has literally put American lives at risk, all to try to score political points against Republicans and President Trump.
Nancy Pelosi is the second-in-line to the Presidency. The country simply cannot afford to have Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. Because of her actions, we can no longer trust that she cares more about America than her own political ambitions.
Nancy Pelosi must be removed from power before it is too late, and it is up to YOU to force the vote!
Conservative Daily