Fellow Conservative,
Last week, President Trump fulfilled another campaign promise. He cut off funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNPF). Back in January, Trump signed an executive order reinstating the “Mexico City Policy.” This prohibited US funds from going to international organizations that provide abortions, such as the UNPF.
He is making good on his promises and defunding the UN where he can. Trump has asked Congress to give him permission to make more cuts.
The United Nations is pushing back. They are demanding that Trump cease and desist all defunding efforts. They have even resorted to pressuring Trump’s own advisors to make him stop pulling funding from the UN.
On that last effort, it actually might be working.
The President’s top advisors were supposed to meet yesterday to discuss the future of the United Nations Climate Change Treaty. That meeting was abruptly cancelled.
White House Conservatives are pressuring the President to keep his promises. Donald Trump swore to voters that he would pull out of the international climate change treaty and he should absolutely do that.
The Establishment wing of the White House, however, is trying to convince Trump to go back on his word and keep the United States in this horrible treaty. Not only that, but they are trying to force President Trump to continue making payments into the program.
This is our fight.
We fought tooth and nail to put a stop to Obama’s lawlessness.
President Trump has dismantled Barack Obama’s unconstitutional climate executive orders. He has begun defunding the United Nations.
Now that it is time to pull out of the treaty all together, the UN is fighting back. They are pressuring the less-Conservative members of the Trump administration – such as Jared Kushner – and they are in-turn pressuring the President to back away from his oath.
Enough is enough.
Congressional leadership swore that if Americans elected a Republican President, they would begin dismantling Barack Obama’s unconstitutional executive actions.
It is time to call-in that promise.
Congress never ratified the treaty, they never approved Obama’s climate executive orders, and they certainly didn’t appropriate any taxpayer money to the program.
Congress is just days away from voting on next years budget.
It is up to YOU to demand that Congress defund the United Nations and its Climate Treaty. If you don’t demand it, Congress won’t include the language in the bill.
This is our moment. This is our chance to finish a fight that is years in the making. You have the opportunity, right now, to draw your line in the sand and demand that Congress take real action against the United Nations and its globalist agenda!
No surrender,
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily