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U.N. Meeting This Month In Push To End Your Gun Rights

The United Nations is scheduled to hold a final meeting on their Small Arms Treaty this month in New York City. The treaty has been marketed as a way to keep weapons out of the hands of dictators and terrorists, but it is an international attack on private gun ownership and will essentially regulate our Second Amendment rights. It supposedly establishes “common international standards for the import, export, and transfer of conventional arms.” The problem is, civilian firearms are included in its scope.

And furthermore, the U.N.'s Coordinating Action on Small Arms says the arms trade must be regulated “in ways that would … minimize the misuse of legally owned weapons." How many criminals and terrorists do you know with “legally owned” weapons? They will never have any problem securing firearms; but you can be certain law-abiding citizens like you and me, who wish to own firearms for protection and recreation, will suffer. That is the U.N.’s stated goal, to at a very minimum create an international registry, and at worst, to disarm the American people.

It is interesting that these final “negotiations” come at a time of great debate about gun rights, and in a country that guarantees such freedoms under our Constitution.

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Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS) and 50 other Senators have expressed grave concern about the treaty in a letter to President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. They wrote, “As the treaty process continues, we strongly encourage your administration…to uphold our country’s constitutional protections of civilian firearms ownership…As members of the United States Senate, we will oppose the ratification of any Arms Trade Treaty that falls short of this standard. Our country’s sovereignty and the rights of American citizens must not be infringed upon by the United Nations. Our firearm freedoms are not negotiable.”

Obama told Sarah Brady (from the Brady Campaign), "I just want you to know that we are working on [gun control].  We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar."

That is probably why during the election, Obama laid low on the U.N. negotiations and everything stalled. But miraculously, hours after he was re-elected, Obama placed a late night call to the U.S. delegation and told them to vote “yes” on the treaty. And that is when the U.N. General Assembly’s meeting of the First Committee on Disarmament called for the new round of talks beginning March 18th. Given his stance on gun control and now in the shadow of Sandy Hook, the Obama administration is almost certain to sign it, which will send it to the Senate for ratification.

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The Second Amendment is under severe attack by our own citizens, and now member of the United Nations are going to enter our country and debate how best to take away our rights. The goal of the treaty is to control the “manufacture, control, trafficking, circulation, brokering and trade, as well as tracing, finance, collection and destruction of small arms and light weapons.” And because the phrase “in all aspects” appears nearly 40 times in the document, that means the United Nations will control purchases and possession of all firearms, and those not surrendered to the U.N. will be tracked and seized. The treaty will:

·         Enact tougher licensing requirements, making it almost impossible for you, an individual, to own a firearm

·         Require the government to confiscate firearms owned by individuals

·         Place further restrictions on the sale of arms

·         Create an international gun registry

·         Give foreign nations access to your personal data

President Obama is fully in support of this, and if we do not notify Congress and support Senator Moran and others who want to preserve our Constitutional rights. S. 2205 and H.R. 5846, the Second Amendment Sovereignty Act of 2012, must be passed in the House and the Senate to ensure our Second Amendment rights and the sovereignty of the United States are safe. These bills are meant to be a safety net if for any reason, the Senate ratifies the Treaty early next year, or an anti-gun President like Obama passes an Executive Order. We must protect our rights under the Constitution.

The U.S. is the world’s largest arms trader, accounting for more than 40 percent of global conventional arms transfers. That is why the Small Arms Treaty is a treaty against America. The U.N.’s ultimate goal is to make America weaker and more vulnerable without armed citizens on the watch against tyranny. Also, within the language of regulating us to death and gun registries is that tiny little question of, just who qualified as a “terrorist” or a “radical regime?” Is someone who disagrees with the government? Is it someone against one world government? Is it a member of the military? Is it a conservative?

Is the United Nations now going to determine whether we can support resistance movements around the world and aid allies, such as Israel? Will they tell us our involvement is a “misuse” of arms?

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There is no alternative, and we must act quickly. Stop the U.N. from meddling in our Constitution, save our right to bear arms, and keep America free from international control.

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Tony Adkins
Conservative Daily

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