For years, the United Nations has been working on an Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) that would regulate small arms on a global scale. President George W. Bush took the U.S. out of negotiations, because he did not want any involvement in a treaty that would infringe on our Second Amendment rights.
Predictably, Barack Obama put us back at the table. And after a few years of meetings, with the U.S. stepping out briefly, only to give some space during the presidential election, the U.N. General Assembly announced they had signed off on terms: “The United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday signed off on a “sweeping, first-of-its-kind treaty to regulate the international arms trade.”
IN ABOUT TWO WEEKS, ON JUNE 03RD, the United Nations will release the ATT to the member nations for ratification. Assuming President Obama signs it, it will then go to the United States Senate for ratification.
Fax your Senators now and tell them to stop this international intrusion.
Congress failed to pass a bill establishing a national gun registry—but now we are faced with one as part of this U.N. Treaty. That is great news for Members of Congress, especially those against the Second Amendment. They can say, “Hey…I voted against a gun registry, remember?” … and then they can sign off on this U.N. Treaty without getting their hands dirty.
Supporters of the treaty and liberal mainstream media organizations roll their eyes at conservative opposition and say it doesn’t target the law-abiding American citizen who is a gun owner. But that is not true. It seeks to regulate the trade of large arms (such as tanks, helicopters and missiles) and also, “Small arms and light weapons,” the definition of which is “weapons designed for individual use, including” but not limited to “revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, sub machine guns, assault rifles and light machine guns.”
The Senate must not ratify this!
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Do not be fooled by liberals trying to play off this treaty as nothing. It will:
· Enact tougher licensing requirements, making it almost impossible for you, an individual, to own a firearm
· Require the government to confiscate firearms owned by individuals
· Place further restrictions on the sale of arms
· Create an international gun registry
· Give foreign nations access to your personal data
It will establish an international bureaucracy that will regulate and strictly control all arms, ammunition and parts –and if our country signs on to it, it will lessen our Second Amendment rights and eventually eliminate them. The treaty has been marketed as a way to keep weapons out of the hands of dictators and terrorists, but it is an international attack on private gun ownership and will essentially regulate our Second Amendment rights.
The Senate approved a nonbinding amendment opposing the treaty, and Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS) says “The Senate has already gone on record in stating that an Arms Trade Treaty has no hope, especially if it does not specifically protect the individual right to bear arms and American sovereignty. It would be pointless for the president to sign such a treaty and expect the Senate to go along. We won’t ratify it.”
However, ATT supporters are claiming the treaty doesn’t touch American gun owners. That can’t be true, because you can read the language and see what is in it. It is also, as we said, the best way for gun control to come to America without Obama and his anti-gun crowd having to get anything through Congressional legislation. Senator Cochran doesn’t think the Senate will ratify it, but only 8 Democrats joined Republicans in approving the amendment against it. This is no time for opinion to change as pressure mounts for new gun control laws everywhere.
Tell Congress to defend our Constitution, save our right to bear arms, and keep America free from international control.
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