Today, Donald Trump will become the first sitting President to attend and speak at the annual March for Life rally in Washington, DC where he will once again call for an end to the scourge of late-term abortions. For 47 consecutive years, Conservatives and pro-life advocates have used this rally to pressure lawmakers into passing pro-life reforms.
In recent years, their appeals have fallen on deaf ears. During the final days of the Obama administration, Republicans actually ignored the rally. The most egregious example came in 2015, when Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC) blocked the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act from passing. News of the betrayal came during the March for Life that year, with hundreds of thousands of protesters outside the Capitol Building.
We rallied conservatives to fight back against this betrayal and the following year, Ellmers was kicked out of office. But the damage was done. We missed our best chance to turn the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act into law.
The legislation does exactly what it says: it protects unborn children who have reached the point of development where they can feel pain. Considering that abortion procedures at this point in gestation include dismemberment, this legislation is absolutely common sense.
Well, with Trump launching a new push to protect life, we have another chance to get this passed into law. But only if we all fight for it!
Typically, the point at which unborn children start to feel pain has been pegged at somewhere between 20 and 24 weeks gestation. Once a child reaches this point in development, research indicates that they have functional pain receptors.
If a surgical team was to operate on an unborn child in-utero past the 20-week mark, they would be required to administer anesthetics. To willfully operate on a developing baby without any painkillers would be unethical and the surgeon would likely lose their medical license.
But if that same surgeon was to perform a dismemberment abortion on a pain-capable unborn child, they would be allowed to rip the child apart, limb from limb, without anyone giving it a second thought to the pain it causes. It is shameful.
The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act fixes this. It clarifies that when a developing child develops the ability to feel pain, it becomes illegal for a doctor or nurse to deliberately inflict pain or kill the child. Elective abortions after 20 weeks gestation would become illegal.
Now, I know what many people reading this are saying: "All abortion should be illegal, not just elective procedures after 20 weeks."
I completely agree, but this legislation is important because it takes us in a step towards that direction. As it stands right now, this bill would save 10,000 babies every single year. And as medical technology advances, that date will shift earlier and earlier and more babies will be saved.
Just last week, a major study was released in the British Medical Journal. A team of pro-abortion scientists wanted to debunk the premise that babies start to feel pain at 20-24 weeks. They failed. What the study ultimately showed is that unborn children start to develop the ability to feel pain as early as 13 weeks gestation. If we can pass the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act now, the protection date will shift earlier and earlier as more research studies are published…
President Trump is onboard with the bill. "We must defend those who cannot defend themselves," Trump declared in support of the bill.
There is major push happening right now to get this bill signed into law, but we need your help to do it!
Mahatma Ghandi famously said that the true measure of a society is how it treats its most vulnerable members. There is no one more vulnerable than the unborn child.
For the first time in well over a decade, we have a real opportunity to chip away at the scourge of abortion and protect the unborn. This is how we win. Sure, I would love to overturn Roe v Wade and I am confident that I will see that happen in my lifetime. But right now, we have the ability to chip away at the ruling and save ten thousand babies a year. That is worth it.
We showed Republicans and Democrats alike what happens when they block this bill. After preventing the vote back in 2015, Renee Ellmers was defeated during her primary by more than 30 percent. The top reason that the voters chose her opponent was her refusal to pass the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
This is your power. You have the ability to strike fear in Congress and force them to honor their oaths and protect the unborn.
We cannot afford to wait any longer. The unborn cannot afford to wait any longer.
Max McGuire
Advocacy Director
Conservative Daily