Fellow Conservative,
It has begun. Last night, Immigration and Customs Enforcement Officers began deportation proceedings against an illegal alien named Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos. A handful of Republican traitors are already talking with Democrats to block these deportations from moving forward.
Here’s the background: Years ago, Garcia de Rayos was arrested during a workplace raid and convicted of felony identity theft when investigators found she was illegally working using a stolen identity.
When Obama rolled out his amnesty executive order three years ago, he declared that ICE would prioritize deporting felons. Except this woman was given a voucher and allowed to stay as long as she made checked in with ICE regularly.
Yesterday, she went for her check-in and pursuant to Donald Trump’s executive order, she is being deported because of her previous felony conviction.
Arizona is home to two of the most Liberal Republicans in the US Senate: John McCain and Jeff Flake. Both are supporters of Obama’s amnesty programs and both have vowed to prevent Trump from cracking down on illegal immigration.
Both Senators are silent this morning. But Sen. Flake has signed on to Chuck Schumer’s “BRIDGE Act,” a bill to block Trump’s deportations and make Obama’s amnesty permanent.
This is the ultimate betrayal.
In 2013, there were 14 Republican Senators who voted for the Gang of Eight’s amnesty bill. Almost all of them are still in office or have been replaced by pro-amnesty democrats.
There is nothing debatable about this. Here we have an illegal alien who was convicted of felony identity theft. She stole someone’s identity and used it to work in the country illegally. This is not a victimless crime.
There are hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens in situations just like this. They have been convicted of felonies or serious misdemeanors and have received permission from Obama to stay in the US. That amnesty is over.
The Democrats’ protest machine is already gearing up. Liberals in Congress are promising to block Trump’s illegal immigration executive order and cement Obama’s amnesty into law. These Democrats have support that goes all the way to the top of GOP leadership.
Today, Sen. Jeff Sessions will take the oath of office and become the Attorney General. In the Senate, he was the most outspoken opponent to Obama’s amnesty programs.
The Democrats are eager to tie his hands, so they are teaming up with the pro-amnesty wing of the GOP to pass legislation to cement Obama’s amnesty into law.
They are calling this the “BRIDGE Act,” as opposed to the Wall Act. The BRIDGE Act is an acronym. The full name is the “Bar Removal of Individuals who Dream and Grow our Economy Act.” What an absolute joke…
Unfortunately, however, this isn’t a joke. If every Republican who voted for amnesty in 2013 also votes for the BRIDGE Act, it will pass.
That is how close we are to the amnesty forces winning…
Don’t let the amnesty forces win,
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily