Fellow Conservative,
It is happening. GOP Senators are officially, and publicly, launching their push to confirm Obama’s radical leftist Supreme Court nominee.
We have highlighted the GOP’s effort, behind the scenes, to surrender the Supreme Court and with it the future of this country.’
We’ve been talking about this for months and all the reports we get from our sources always point back to one person: Arizona Senator Jeff Flake.
To most people, his name means absolutely nothing. But he is at the heart of every GOP surrender that we have witnessed over the past few years and he is ground zero when it comes to the Republican Party’s attempts to sabotage Trump.
We got a lot of pushback from people. They called us crazy for suggesting a Senator they had never heard of was behind a plot to surrender the Supreme Court for generations to come.
We were right.
Just this past week, Flake officially stepped out into the public and declared it is time to confirm Obama’s radical, anti-gun Supreme Court nominee.
I don't take pleasure in being correct on this. I really wish that all of our sources had been wrong. But the plot to surrender the Supreme Court is now out in the open.
We continue to get emails asking why it is so important to stop another Leftist from being added to the bench.
I want to be absolutely clear. The 2nd Amendment is at stake this election. The next Justice added to the Supreme Court will cast the deciding vote the next time a gun control issue comes before the Court.
Hillary Clinton has promised that reversing the Heller v District of Columbia is one of her top priorities. This is the case that decided that individual Americans have a Constitutional right to own firearms.
When the Heller case was making its way through the lower courts, a three-judge panel of the DC Circuit Court of Appeals decided that Americans do have a right to own firearms and that it is illegal to completely ban handguns.
Obama’s Supreme Court nominee was on the DC Circuit Court at the time. He voted to re-hear the case en banc. That meant that he disagreed with the ruling of the three-judge panel and wanted the entirety of the court to rehear the case.
The only reason a judge votes to rehear a case en banc is if he or she disagrees with the ruling.
In this case, Merrick Garland did everything in his power to make sure that Americans did not have an individual right to own firearms. Luckily, he failed and the Supreme Court upheld 2nd Amendment.
But now, a suddenly public movement within the GOP is demanding that this leftist be added to the bench.
Senator John McCain (R-AZ) is now on board. So are Senators Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) and Susan Collins (R-ME). In case you forgot, these are all the Senators that tried to codify Obama’s amnesty and gun control executive orders into law…
A month ago, I told you that the votes were there to confirm Merrick Garland because 14 Republicans had agreed to sell us out.
Today, that number sits at around 15 or 16. They have more than enough votes to surrender the Supreme Court. And that is exactly what they’re demanding!
I wish this wasn’t true. I wish that there wasn’t evidence of the GOP deliberately sabotaging the Republican nominee.
I wish that there wasn’t evidence of a plot to surrender the Supreme Court to the Left for the rest of my lifetime.
But there is.
Right now, we have two choices.
1) We can do nothing and resign ourselves to the fact that the GOP is surrendering the future of the country.
2) We can rise up right now and put an end to this duplicity!
I will never stop fighting. There is nothing in the entire world that would ever convince me to step aside and allow the GOP to put another Leftist onto the Supreme Court.
I hope that you will join me in this fight.
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily