A lot is happening in Washington DC right now. Democrats are advancing their articles of impeachment, the Deep State is trying to cover up the crimes committed when they were spying on the Trump campaign, and the government faces a government funding deadline next week that Democrats are trying to use to push through their radical agenda items.
But while all of that is happening, Republicans and Democrats are trying to slip through a new amnesty bill. That is right: the Establishments of BOTH parties are working together to legalize over 1.5 million illegal aliens in time for Christmas.
Their bill — H.R.5038 — is called the Farm Workforce Modernization Act. But don't let the name fool you. It is nothing but a thinly veiled amnesty bill.
The legislation would grant full amnesty to any illegal that claims to work on a farm. It doesn't matter if they can prove they are farm workers or not, simply claiming to be an agricultural worker would protect over 1.5 million illegal aliens from being deported.
And not only would the bill grant amnesty to illegal alien farm workers, but it would extend deportation protections to their spouse and children as well. When you add it all up, at least 1.5 million illegal aliens would instantly receive amnesty and protection.
Here is the bad news. Right now, there are 25 Republican co-sponsors in the House and at least a dozen GOPers on board in the Senate as well.
And the first vote is happening TOMORROW!
This is not a drill. Congress is voting on a massive Amnesty bill tomorrow that would cover at least 1.5 million illegal aliens, including convicted criminals.
And the bill already has enough Republican support to pass. In the House, there are already 25 Republicans signed onto the bill: Newhouse (WA), Simpson (ID), Diaz-Balart (FL), LaMalfa (CA), Amodei (NV), Baird (IN), Brooks (IN), Cole (OK), Curtis (UT), Davis (IL), Gibbs (OH), McMorris Rodgers (WA), Mitchell (MI), Nunes (CA), Reed (NY), Stefanik (NY), Stivers (OH), Upton (MI), Young (AK), Walden (OR), Fitzpatrick (PA), Smucker (PA), Tipton (CO), Stewart (UT), and King (NY). In the Senate, we are hearing that as many as a dozen GOPers could vote for the bill. In both chambers, there are enough GOP turncoats for the amnesty legislation to pass.
Why are Republicans supporting this ridiculous amnesty bill? Their corporate donors are demanding it! This legislation would provide GOP donors with millions of cheap laborers who will work for less than an American worker.
It is stunning, really. These Congressmen and Senators were sent to Washington to work on behalf of the American people, and now they are rushing to pass a bill to not only legalize over 1.5 million illegal aliens, but also to grant them workplace rights and protections.
And the way the bill is structured, practically any illegal alien would be able to claim to be a farm worker. That is the whole point of being "undocumented." They don't have any paperwork proving their employment. As I said, the bill is so horribly written that it would even grant amnesty to illegal aliens who have criminal records.
You see, Republicans are counting on you being too preoccupied to notice they are stabbing you in the back on immigration… They are counting on you focusing your attention on impeachment or the FISA report so they can slip this amnesty bill through unnoticed.
The Rules Committee is approving the bill today. That means that it can reach the floor for a full vote TOMORROW.
Please, fight back against this amnesty bill before it is too late!
The Establishment is literally trying to sneak this amnesty bill through behind your back. They wanted to be able to legalize over 1.5 million illegal aliens without you knowing about it.
But now you know. Now you know what their plan is there is and there's still time to stop it!
We are calling on all Conservatives to join together right now and put maximum pressure on Democrats and Republicans alike to KILL this amnesty bill and stop it from passing!
There is still time to kill this bill, but you need to act right now!
Don't let them slip this through,
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily