Dear Conservative,
We have had to endure a lot over the past year. Every day brought new Liberal attempts to infringe on your Second Amendment rights.
As a Second Amendment supporter, you understand that the right of the People to keep and bear arms is a natural right. It wasn’t given to us by words on a piece of parchment. The Second Amendment simply codifies a pre-existing human right to self-defense and attempts to preserve it.
The Democrats have pushed for “Universal Background Checks,” which is just a fancy way of creating a registry of civilian owned firearms. In order to ensure that every firearm purchased went through a background check, there would need to be some database recording all transactions. Otherwise, people would be able to obtain a gun ‘illegally’ and just claim that a background check was performed. The only way to enact the Democrats’ proposed Universal Background Check system would be to keep a registry of ALL firearm transfers. That’s the only means of ensuring the law would be followed.
You have joined the fight and resisted against this proposed civil rights violation, but rest assured… the liberal machine is gearing up again to make another pass at taking away your constitutional rights! Along the way, the liberals will continue to vilify you and slander your good name, connecting horrible tragedies to your desire to exercise your constitutional rights! It is time to take a stand!
Here at Conservative Daily, we believe that every law-abiding citizen has the natural right to own and carry firearms. While that may be a right, I must warn you that in many places, governments have conspired to criminalize the exercising of these rights. Believe it or not, there are areas of the country where arbitrary state-boundaries on the map can determine whether your Second Amendment rights apply at all!
Tell Congress to STOP infringing on the right of law-abiding Americans to keep and bear arms!
We conservatives are often accused of sensationalizing the gun control movement and the threats it poses to us. At the top of the list is the accusation that gun rights supporters are exaggerating the government’s desire to register and confiscate civilian firearms. But is it really an exaggeration?
Don’t think for one second that the Democrats are only interested in disarming Criminals. They are interested in criminalizing law-abiding Americans! A lot of times, people wonder what would happen if the government had a registry of gun owners. Would they actually disarm us? Would they target us with extra scrutiny? If you want to see the end-game of the Democrats’ gun-control agenda, look no further than what is happening in the People’s Republik of Maryland!
In Maryland, residents must first show a “good and substantial reason” why they need firearms for self-defense. In reality though, barely anyone is actually given a permit to carry a gun in public.
Please continue reading because this story will absolutely blow your mind!
John Filippidis is a resident of Hudson, Florida. He has never committed a crime, pays all of his taxes and, in the State of Florida, Mr. Filippidis is licensed to carry a concealed handgun for self-defense.
Recently, Mr. Filippidis was driving through Maryland on his way home from a wedding in New Jersey. He owns a .38 caliber pistol which he keeps in his pocket most of the time. However, knowing that Maryland could care less about his constitutional rights, John Filippidis deliberately decided to leave his pistol in the gun-safe at home.
While driving through Maryland, Mr. Filippidis eventually saw flashing lights in his rear-view mirror and pulled over to the side of the road.
A Transportation Authority Police officer approached the window and asked for the usual license and registration before returning to his patrol car. When the police officer returned a few minutes later, he ordered Mr. Filippidis out of the driver’s seat and against the car. The question that followed was a pure shock.
“You own a gun,” the officer pried, “where is it?” John replied that it was in his safe at home in Florida. The officer went around to the other side of the car and started badgering John’s wife, asking where the gun was. She didn’t understand the ramifications of carrying a pistol in Maryland and replied, “I don’t know. Maybe in the glove [box]. Maybe in the console. I’m scared of it. I don’t want to have anything to do with it.”
This was all the police needed. They told John Filippidis he was a liar, and forced his wife and children out of the car to be patted-down and searched! The police had searched the databases for Mr. Filippidis’ name and saw that he was licensed to carry a firearm in Florida. This entire humiliating ordeal was based on an unjust violation of John Filippidis’ privacy, and if Democrats get their way, EVERY gun owner will be subjected to this type of harassment!
Tell Congress to STOP infringing on the right of law-abiding Americans to keep and bear arms!
Over the next 90 minutes, police would search through the family’s luggage, Christmas presents, and even went as far as to search the engine compartment and rip off the car’s door panels. The family members (including the children) were also subjected to humiliating pat-downs on the side of the road… all in search of a gun that not only didn’t exist, but that the police had no right to know about!
This is the future of gun control! This family was doing nothing wrong. Yet since it came up on the police computer that John Filippidis was a licensed gun owner, the police went out of their way to try and catch him breaking the law.
The Democrats often promise that they have no desire to go after law-abiding Americans, only the criminals. Barack Obama even praised Maryland’s gun laws as some of the most effective in the country!
Is this what you want our country to be like? Do you want government officials to be able to harass you for exercising your constitutional rights?
That is what we are moving towards. The fact that this Maryland police officer was able to harass this poor family is a stark reminder that government does not understand the definition of restraint!
The Firearm Owners Protection Act currently protects gun owners who legally transport firearms across state lines. But as this incident shows, whether a firearm is present or not, police should not have cause to search a vehicle just because someone owns a gun!
Either we fight for our rights now, or what happened to John Filippidis will happen all across the country. We must pressure Congress to STOP the vilification of law-abiding gun owners now, or else it will be too late!
Tell Congress to STOP infringing on the right of law-abiding Americans to keep and bear arms!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily