Dear Conservative,
When it comes to the Obama administration and the IRS scandal, the American people continue to receive lie after lie!
Lois Lerner used her power within the IRS to target Conservative political groups, then when her scheme was uncovered, she plead the fifth and the administration has stonewalled Congress ever since.
At the heart of this whole scandal are Lois Lerner’s email records, which will prove once and for all who she was working with in the administration to go after right-leaning groups.
Congress has subpoenaed these records, and the length to which the Obama administration has gone to hide the truth is truly staggering.
First, IRS officials claimed that it would take far too long (months, not days) to compile all of Lois Lerner’s emails.
Then, the IRS actually criticized Congress for asking too much of the agency, and the IRS Chief suggested a much smaller window of emails for them to hand over. That’s not how this works. The agency under investigation doesn’t get to pick and choose what emails are handed over.
Next, the IRS notified Congress that Lois Lerner’s emails, and the emails of her close associates, had mysteriously vanished during a “computer crash.”
And in the most brazen act yet, the IRS just admitted that it had taken Lois Lerner’s hard drive and literally melted it down.
This is the scandal of the century!
Anyone with half a brain understands what is going on. The administration is engaging in a massive cover-up to mask the allegations of a much broader involvement in the targeting scandal.
Anyone with a basic understanding of how the internet works will tell you that the IRS’s excuse for “losing” all of the crucial Lois Lerner emails is completely bogus!
First of all, unless Lois Lerner was emailing herself, these emails exist on other computers. Sure, they aren’t all in one central location… but they exist. Even if Lois Lerner’s computer has been conveniently melted down, her emails still exist on the computers of who she was talking to!
Second of all, not only is the IRS mandated by law to back up and print hard copies of its emails during investigations, but the Tax Agency was under contract with email back-up company!
Just weeks after Lois Lerner’s computer allegedly “crashed,” the IRS cancelled its contract with Sonasoft, an email archiving company. How the hell does that make sense? The last thing that makes sense after a computer crash is to fire the company responsible for archiving data!
What is even more suspicious is the fact that after this contract was cancelled, the computers for six other IRS employees involved in the scandal also mysteriously “crashed.”
The timeline is just too much to be a coincidence!
In June of 2011, the House Ways and Means Committee began a probe into the IRS’s then-alleged targeting of Conservative groups. TEN DAYS after their probe began, Lois Lerner’s computer mysteriously “crashed.” Weeks later, the IRS cancelled its contract with the only off-site company which would have any record of the targeting!
Sonasoft literally prides itself on being able to save data in case of a computer crash. That is its entire business model!
The only thing standing in the way of the Obama administration covering-up this scandal was one contractor who was able to archive every email.
So what did the IRS do? It fired the email archiving company, cut all ties with it, and the next thing you know, computers start crashing left and right for everyone involved in the scandal!
At this point, we don’t know what happened. Perhaps when the IRS pulled the plug on Lois Lerner’s computer, they realized they needed to fire the firm that had the digital records.
All I know is that the American people aren’t getting the truth!
Richard Millhouse Nixon lied to the American people and tried to hide 18 minutes of audiotape. Barack Hussein Obama lies to the American people on a daily basis and his IRS has destroyed more than a MILLION minutes worth of email conversations! I am tired of the Watergate comparisons, because the IRS scandal is 100x bigger than Watergate ever was!
Here we have government employees using their power to shut down opposing political groups during a close election year! And now, we have the government literally destroying the evidence!
This is treason! I don’t care what century we are in; we need to start stretching out the ropes! These people are traitors!
We the People are the last defense against this tyranny. When all other safeguards within the Constitution fail, it is up to us to rise to the occasion and DEMAND that these criminals he held accountable!
This is our duty, as Americans. And if we don’t answer this call now, who will?
Joe Otto