Fellow Conservative,
By now, you’ve heard how Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell surrendered to the left. They passed a budget that was indistinguishable from Nancy Pelosi’s budget. Instead of forcing Obama to accept Conservative policies, they completely caved and gave the Democrats what they wanted.
For years, we railed against John Boehner’s treachery. With his retirement, we traded one coward for another.
Barack Obama has said that the United States will admit 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year. However, the only person who has control over that number is the President himself. He can set that number however high he wants and Democrats are pushing for him to bring in 10x as many!
Technically, though, Congress has some control over how many refugees are admitted through the budget process. If they had limited the budget, they could have stopped the President from bringing in too many, or any, Syrian refugees.
But that’s not what Paul Ryan did. Like his predecessor, he rolled over and gave up on fighting the President when he had the most leverage. Paul Ryan gave the President the authority to bring as many Syrian refugees here as he wants, and Ryan has the nerve to call that a success…
I will remind you that the refugees coming here would undergo the same background check performed on Tashfeen Malik, the terrorist wife who perpetrated the San Bernardino terror attack. I will also remind you that the FBI Director himself admits that they cannot fully vet all of these refugees. Terrorists are guaranteed to slip through.
Homeland Security says they vetted her but the truth is that she was radicalized before she came to the United States. Not only that, but she used a fake address on her visa application and no one even bothered to check it out.
Now, a bipartisan group of Congressmen and Senators are rallying together to halt this program until 100% background checks are ensured. For goodness sake, the American SAFE Act had so many Democrats in the House vote for it that it passed with a veto-proof majority. But a few establishment Republicans were able to block it from going through.
This has to stop!
It’s amazing how two-faced the GOP has become. Earlier this month, House Republicans passed a bill to stop Obama’s Syrian refugee program all together. Then, when they had the most leverage, the establishment sabotaged this and gave Obama a blank check.
They’re stabbing us in the back. What’s even worse is they think you are so stupid that they actually expect for you to vote for them again. But we can reverse this. It is not too late.
We. Can. Stop. This.
But it's going to take action right now.
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily