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Tanks, Drones, and Ammo: Is Homeland Security Preparing to Institute Martial Law?

CLICK here to DEMAND that Congress VETOES the unconstitutional Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order

In what can only be described as covert attack on liberty, President Obama and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are preparing to end civil liberties and institute martial law in the United States.  Over the last year, DHS has purchased more than 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammunition.  Conservative-Daily raised the alarm, but the Obama Administration lulled the public to sleep with the excuse that the bullets were needed for training.  Now it has come to light that DHS has purchased 2,717 light tanks.   What does DHS need with 2,717 light tanks? 

These tanks are retrofitted Mine Resistant Protected vehicles that were purchased for DHS through U.S. Army Forces Command.  They are to be used on American streets.  Exactly what is the point of these tanks?  The United States military is already the United States’ shield against invasion. The truth could be blood chilling.  Are these tanks that are being purchased to be used against American citizens?

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DHS is now one of the most advanced armies in the world.  They have armed drones in the skies, tanks on the streets, and soldiers with enough bullets to wage a seven (7) year war. 


President Obama has already shown the capacity to kill Americans. President Obama has given himself legal authority to suspend the Constitution and due process.  And this authority is NOT limited to overseas drone strikes. 

CLICK here to DEMAND that Congress VETOES the unconstitutional Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order and take back its legislative power before it is too late

In three and a half years, Obama’s term as President will end organically.  Is he preparing to seize power and enact martial law?  History tells us yes.  When Adolf Hitler armed the Brown Shirts, he was preparing to use them to seize power and institute martial law.  Same story with Stalin and the KGB; history is littered with examples of secret police forces such as DHS being used to liquidate freedom and create a police state.  You are kidding yourself if you think it can’t happen here.  The Germans thought the same thing. 

Still not convinced?  On March 16, 2012, President Obama signed the Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order.  This Executive Order gives Obama all the tools necessary to dissolve our Republic.  That’s right!  This Executive Order would allow Obama to declare martial law during peacetime and gives him the “legal” authority to confiscate private property, nationalize the means of production, create forced worker camps, and even ration your family’s food and water!!   At any given moment, Obama could institute martial law, dissolve Congress, and finalize our march toward Communism that Obama started on the day he took office!

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Don’t be fooled by the liberal media who will tell you that several other Presidents have signed similar Executive Orders; these media outlets are just providing cover for the Obama Administration.  The TRUTH is that while the Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order is similar to those in past, it is different in one very fundamental way: it does NOT require a national emergency, disaster, or war to trigger the listed unconstitutional Presidential powers; President Obama can institute it at ANY time! 

If that doesn’t scare you, this will: the US military IS involved.  You read the correctly, Obama is planning on using the United States military to keep citizens in line.  Leon Panetta admitted as much when he stated that the US military would assist law enforcement “if called upon”!  According to one news story, more than 20,000 troops are being readied for deployment!!  20,000!!!

This is an incredibly dangerous time of our Republic.  We have SIGNIFICANTLY fewer freedoms than we did 10 years ago.  Further, Conservative-Daily has demonstrated how Obama ignores the Constitution and the rule of law and is ruling by fiat.  (Read here: 

How long until he gets sick of not going around Congress?  Why did he sign an Executive Order granting him the power to declare martial law at ANYTIME just months before the Presidential election?  Why does he need 30,000 drones spying on the US citizens and why did DHS skip a Congressional hearing on the subject? 

CLICK here to DEMAND that Congress VETOES the unconstitutional Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order

While it is clear that we cannot peer into Obama’s mind and see his real intentions his actions leave little to the imagination.  He has created an army of Storm Troopers and has armed them with some of the most advanced weaponry on the planet.  He is planning on using these Storm Troopers in tandem with the US military to keep citizens in line.  He consistently ignores Congress and the rule of law.  We are close to the tipping point; the prep work is done, now all Obama has to do is pull the trigger and our Republic will be in peril.

We need Congress to act IMMEDIATELY!!!  We need your voice telling Congress to legislatively veto Obama’s unconstitutional Executive Order giving him the power to declare martial law, rule unilaterally, and functionally dissolve Congress.  It is up to US to protect our Constitution and our freedoms.  Time is short; at any time Obama could execute a plan that will destroy our Constitution and all the freedoms for which so many have sacrificed since the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  The lynchpin is the Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order.  If Congress vetoes this order, Obama’s plan will fall apart.  STAND with us today and tell Congress to protect our liberty!!! 

CLICK here to DEMAND that Congress VETOES the unconstitutional Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order and take back its legislative power before it is too late


Tony Adkins

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