Fellow Conservative,
It’s not often that we get to watch Democrats make fools of themselves. Oh wait… that does happen pretty often.
The Democrats staged another gun control press conference the other day. The are renewing their calls for an “assault weapons ban” and this time, they’re getting dangerously close to the amount of support necessary to bypass Paul Ryan and force a vote in the House of Representatives.
There is a parliamentary maneuver called a “discharge petition” that allows the minority to gather enough signatures to force a floor vote, even if the Speaker of the House is against the measure.
The Democrats have over 180 signatures on their gun control discharge petition. They are just a few dozen signatures away from forcing an arbitrary gun ban down our throats!
At the memorial for the police officers killed in Dallas, Barack Obama gave what has to have been the worst speech I have ever heard.
Instead of memorializing the fallen officers, Obama took this solemn event as an opportunity to push for even more gun control.
Obama declared that we are flooding our streets with ‘weapons of war’ to the point that it is easier for a teenager to get his hands on a firearm than it is for him or her to get a book or a laptop.
To the best of my knowledge, you don’t need to pass a background check to rent a book from the library or shop at Best Buy…
Obama used a non-partisan memorial to push to gun control and his Liberal allies in Congress are answering the call.
The Democrats unveiled their next gun control push: Ban so-called “assault weapons,” force background checks on ammunition purchases, and eliminate the ability to buy ammunition online.
“This is something, as a non-lawyer, that I have had trouble with from the very beginning,” declared New Jersey Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman. “When the framers of our Constitution considered the Second Amendment, they were talking about muskets. They were not talking about ‘assault weapons.”
“There are so many gun laws that we need to impose that will protect our communities more and more and more. And eliminating “assault weapons” is definitely at the very top, as well as limiting who can get ammunition and whether or not you can buy it online.”
The greatest irony is that this woman made this declaration using a microphone. It was recorded on video and then posted to her social media account. If you asked her what gave her a right to say these things, she’d point to the 1st Amendment. That’s funny, I don’t remember microphones or social media being around at the founding…
All jokes aside, these gun grabbers aren’t kidding. They know absolutely nothing about guns and yet they want the ability arbitrarily ban weapons based on what they look like.
Coming across the wire right now is news that even more police officers have been shot in Louisiana. The news is already reporting that the shooter used an "assault rifle." The Democrats are already using this new tragedy to push their gun control agenda!
It is exhausting having to constantly fight to protect our rights, especially when we have to fight against the Republicans and the Democrats.
As soon as we kill one piece of legislation, another one pops up to take its place, just like the Greek Hydra.
I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. They only need to succeed once. They only need to force one piece of legislation through.
There’s no Silver Medal in the fight to protect the Second Amendment. There’s no prize for 2nd Place.
If we fail, there won’t be anything left to fight for.
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily