Anyone who has flown on a commercial airline since the national tragedy occurring on September 11, 2001 knows all about the invasive search techniques in use by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). In the aftermath of such a disastrous terrorist attack, security procedures needed to be changed. In stepped the Federal government and their creation of the TSA. Most Americans initially surrendered to the new security procedures; the memory of the Twin Towers and the Pentagon fresh in their minds.
Now, more than ten years removed from 9/11, the TSA has morphed from a simple security agency into what former Presidential candidate and current Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) calls a ‘police state” and he is right!!!
The 4th Amendment protects Americans from “unreasonable search and seizures”, yet everyday millions of Americans are REQUIRED to waive their constitutional rights in order to board commercial aircraft. In the United States, a policeman cannot stop someone and search them absent probable cause. Why must the government require us ALL to be treated like criminals when there is a much better alternative?!!
The private sector could step in and provide actual security, rather than the poorly trained TSA employees who are more interested at ogling passengers with their sophisticated x-ray technology than actually trying to search out security threats. The private sector would provide more safety, for fewer tax payer dollars and would allow us to keep our constitutional rights. We must demand a change!
The TSA is notorious for groping and functionally molesting children and the elderly. There are countless stories of disabled children being groped and invasively touched by these Storm Troopers (remember your history…Adolf Hitler had Brown and Black Storm Troopers who became the dreaded “SS”) while the elderly are stripped searched so that the TSA can have a look at their colostomy bags. A trip to the airport seems more like an episode out of “To Catch a Predator with Chris Hanson”, except Chris Hanson isn’t there to save these folks.
It is disgusting, illegal, and we do NOT have to put up with it. WE THE PEOPLE have the power to stop these illegal searches if we have the courage to act!!
The TSA says that it is just following orders in an attempt to make American skies safer. Just following orders? Isn’t that the same defense that NAZI leaders attempted to use at Nuremburg to justify their atrocities? We are NOT buying it and demand that Congress privatize airline security and completely dismantle the TSA!!!!
Millions of Americans are screaming for a change; the most unlikely? TSA CREATOR Rep. John Mica (R-FL), Chairman of the House Transportation Committee. Rep. Mica went on the record stating “The whole program has been hijacked by bureaucrats…it mushroomed into an army…It’s gone from a couple-billion-dollar enterprise to close to $9 billion….They’ve failed to actually detect any threat in 10 years.”
This is the man that created the TSA and now wants to tear it down! But here is the best part; Rep. Mica is Chairman of the House Transportation Committee and WE can help him push legislation through Congress! With enough grassroots support WE CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN!! But we NEED your voice!!!
With a bloated budget and illegal search tactics you would think that the TSA track record would be spotless. But as with all government agencies, money does NOT equal an efficacious organization or rational problem solving. No, these bureaucrats are too busy arguing over how to steal more taxpayer money than they are protecting our skies from another attack.
Case in point, last week the TSA had to discipline 43 workers at one airport alone for LAX SECURITY PROCEDURES!!! This is ALL the proof ANYONE should need that airport security would best be handled by the private sector. As Congressman Mike Rogers pointed out last week, the TSA has more workers than it needs and yet it STILL cannot provide the proper security. How many other airports have seen similar security lapses? How many times has the TSA let someone on board YOUR airplane without being properly screened?!
We desperately need airline security privatization!! It is up to US to save lives! We must act before this fat, lazy, bloated government bureaucracy allows another terrorist attack on American soil. We will NOT STAND by and watch as our countryman die because a faulty government agency fell asleep at the wheel. WILL you stand with us? Will you help make the skies safer, our airports more secure, and our security procedures more expedient? Our grassroots efforts NEED your voice!!
We don’t just have help in the House to accomplish our goal of privatizing the TSA for the safety of Americans and the protection of our civil liberties. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is in our corner as well! Many of you are familiar with Senator Paul and his NOBLE battle to protect our Constitutional rights. In January Senator Paul put his money where is mouth is and courageously refused to be patted down by the TSA!!!! This prompted a war with the White House; of course Obama sided with the fat, bloated government program that tramples the rights of Americans.
Senator Paul’s actions put a spotlight on TSA’s inefficiency and disregard for the Constitution, but he can’t do it alone! With our grassroots effort, we can assist Senator Paul in his crusade; we can DISMANTLE the TSA for GOOD! But to do this we need your help TODAY!!
We encourage you to fax Congress today and help us make a change! We must reward the politicians whom support the Constitution with our grassroots support! We cannot leave Senator Paul, Congressman Mica, and Congressman Paul out to dry; we must give them our support today!!! Stand with us and WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!