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Stop the NSA Snooping

Dear Conservative Friend,

The National Security Agency is NO friend of yours!

In spite of overall disapproval from Americans, the NSA continues to eavesdrop on YOU, regardless of who you are.  Not only that, it has come to light that they eavesdrop on international leaders, even on their cell phones.  But what does that matter to the NSA?

The New York Times reports: “From thousands of classified documents, the National Security Agency emerges as an electronic omnivore of staggering capabilities, eavesdropping and hacking its way around the world to strip governments and other targets of their secrets, all the while enforcing the utmost secrecy about its own operations.  It spies routinely on friends as well as foes, as has become obvious in recent weeks; the agency’s official mission list includes using its surveillance powers to achieve ‘diplomatic advantage’ over such allies as France and Germany and ‘economic advantage’ over Japan and Brazil, among other countries.”

Please FAX every Member of Congress to let them know that you totally disapprove of the NSA spying on everyday Americans.  This spying on U.S. citizens must CEASE!  Stop the snooping that leads to a police state!

In spite of Congressional hearing after Congressional hearing, the outrageous NSA snooping continues, unabashed!

YOUR FAXES ARE WORKING!!  President Obama continues to feel the heat from Members of Congress, on both sides of the aisle, as well as from you, law-abiding, tax-paying, patriotic Americans.

NO MORE is what Americans are saying, about snooping on good Americans.

The Obama Administration is considering splitting the command of the NSA and Cyber security agencies.  Army General Keith Alexander is the top officer at BOTH the U.S. Cyber Command and the NSA.  However, he is retiring in the spring.  This concentration of power is controversial, at best.  The White House is considering the splitting of the command as a way of deflecting criticism over snooping.  Yet another “Obama Band-Aid” over a serious concern of everyday Americans.

While Americans and the president concentrate on the various components of Obamacare, the spying on Americans continues and continues!  The bottom line:  THIS IS NOT RIGHT!!

OVER TWO DOZEN, yes, 25 bills, have been filed in Congress to try to limit the exhaustive powers of the NSA and its snooping on Americans.  Yet, the privacy invasion continues!  Still, NOTHING has been passed by our United States Congress.

That’s why your fax is extremely important today!

Please FAX every Member of Congress to let them know that you totally disapprove of the NSA spying on everyday Americans.  This spying on U.S. citizens must CEASE!  Stop the snooping that leads to a police state!

Even the liberal New York Times understands the severity of what the NSA continues to do.  They publish: “The NSA seems to be listening everywhere in the world, gathering every stray electron that might add, however minutely, to the U.S. government’s knowledge of the world.  TO some Americans, that may be a comfort.  To others, and to people overseas, that may suggest an agency out of control.”

The National Security Agency has 35,000 employees.  It has an annual budget of $10.8 billion.  It spies on any American.  It spies on any world leader, without any care about country-to-country relationships.  Even the United Nations’ secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon, was spied upon to give President Obama information before they met recently.

But what about you?  You are a law-abiding, tax-paying American…who is ALSO spied upon on a regular basis.

In short, the NSA “spy ring” must be reined in!

Of course we understand there must be a real “balance” between terrorist information and America’s want of privacy.  But, every time, the NSA has gone “over the line.”

Now, even the president is back-tracking by wanting to split the duties of the spy agencies, claiming that might soothe the frustration of Americans, just like you.

We must keep the pressure on Congress, even now!

Last Thursday, the White House “Big Brother” data collection added more fuel to the fire.  Per the McClatchy news network, the reported: “United States agencies collected and shared the personal information of thousands of Americans in an attempt to root out untrustworthy federal workers that ended up scrutinizing people who had no direct ties to the U.S. government and simply had purchased certain books.”

During that particular investigation, they obtained information on 4,905 individuals.  Illegally!

Judicial Watch reports: “The documents include a series of emails between members of President Obama’s newly created Review Group of Intelligence and Communications Technologies (Review Group) and the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (Oversight Board).

“The emails, obtained pursuant to an August 28, 2013, Freedom of Information Act (FOA) request, show that Obama administration advisers had long standing concerns about the Patriot Act which authorized controversial NSA surveillance of American’s telephone and internet activities.  Now we know, per these latest reports, this ‘data mining’ approach isn’t limited to programs designed to thwart terrorism.”

The USA Freedom Act, a bi-partisan bill, was introduced in the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House within the last two weeks.  Its objective is to limit the scope and to better supervise the information-snooping by the NSA.  It encompasses the over two dozen bills that Congress has authored to alleviate the conce4rns of privacy intrusion by Americans.  It requires communications providers to disclose the number of surveillance orders they receive and mandate the government publish how many people are subject to surveillance order.

Please FAX every Member of Congress to let them know that you totally disapprove of the NSA spying on everyday Americans.  This spying on U.S. citizens must CEASE!  Stop the snooping that leads to a police state!

This is no longer a Republican or a Democratic issue.  It no longer concerns just liberals or conservatives.  This NSA Spying on United States citizens – YOU – it is non-partisan issue…with your civil liberties at stake!

Stand up and shout:  Enough is enough!

Finally, an issue that BOTH sides of the aisle can unite on!!  Spying on U.S. citizens and our allies’ heads of state!  Or will Congress get involved in this issue?  They will if you continue to put the pressure on them; and fax them over and over again!

The government over-reach by the NSA is appalling, at best.  Illegal, in some cases!

Innocent American citizens – just like YOU – are monitored by the NSA.

Americans have now been alerted to what is really happening to us.  This is the very beginning of a genuine “police state.”  This is what Adolph Hitler did before World War II.  The similarities are very, very chilling!

The USA Freedom Act (S.1599 introduced by U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy and H.R. 3361 introduced by U. S. Rep. James Sensenbrenner) will help to partially eliminate the excessive power of the NSA.  It is geared to protect the privacy of Americans.  And it must be passed as soon as possible!  It is a bi-partisan effort to help the NSA to become transparent!  It seeks to greatly LIMIT the bulk collection of American phone and internet transmissions.

Please do whatever you can to notify every Member of Congress that they need to limit the government’s illegal surveillance powers.

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Mass surveillance on Americans is unjustified!

This bill is long, long overdue.  We must put Congress ON NOTICE to finally, yes finally do something about the invasion of privacy of Americans.

While the NSA trolls through your phone and emails, I would say that our Constitutional freedoms are literally at stake!  That is why your faxes are so very important right now!

The SPYING on patriotic Americans continues…and must be STOPPED!

Please FAX every Member of Congress to let them know that you totally disapprove of the NSA spying on everyday Americans.  This spying on U.S. citizens must CEASE!  Stop the snooping that leads to a police state!


Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

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