“Unprecedented price spikes” – Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR)
“Increased costs to consumers” – Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
“Unworkable” – American Petroleum Institute VP of Regulatory and Economic Policy Kyle Isakower
If Congress does not REPEAL THE RENEWABLE FUEL STANDARD, we will experience damage to our vehicles and increased gas prices. Stop the EPA and the environmentalists’ assault on America!
The IRS is in the news for being a deceptive and corrupt agency—but it isn’t the only one. The Environmental Protection Agency has been busy during the Obama administration working up regulations for things that don’t exist and imposing global warming hysteria on American citizens.
In 2007, Congress enacted the renewable fuel standard, and every year since then, the EPA has been increasing the amount of ethanol that has to be blended into our gasoline. The problem is, it’s not safe. Higher amounts are going to damage our vehicles; and, ironically, are bad for the environment.
We are using less gasoline and diesel, so the amount of biofuels is too much for the mix. But, hey—the government is here, and they are ready to fix a problem that doesn’t exist by making new ones.
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Reps. Jim Matheson (D-UT) and Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) have introduced H.R. 1461, legislation calling for the repeal of RFS.
§ The initial reason for the RFS was to provide an environmentally better alternative to gasoline. However, the Natural Resources Defense Council said three years ago “What the ethanol industry is actually producing today is causing more climate pollution than gasoline.” Only between 5 and 26 percent of the energy content of ethanol is renewable!
§ Vehicles will get 3 to 4 percent fewer miles per gallon on the current E10 ethanol blend … and the EPA wants to increase that to E15, so we can expect our mpg rates to get worse.
§ Ethanol burns less efficiently and costs more.
§ Only 20 percent of vehicles on the road today are built to use the E15 ethanol blend. BMW, Chrysler, Nissan, Toyota, and Volkswagen have all said that their warranties do not cover problems caused by using E15, and another eight companies have said your warranty coverage may become void if you use it.
Governors of Georgia, Texas, Arkansas, Delaware, Maryland, New Mexico and North Carolina petitioned the EPA to suspend the RFS program requirements, and the EPA rejected them, saying that the petitioners didn’t show that RFS was the sole cause and not a contributing factor. By using an impossible burden of proof and playing with words, the EPA denied those states and essentially set the foundation for economic failure in America.
Former EPA head Lisa Jackson, if you remember, was caught with an alias email address under the name “Richard Windsor.” She chose that name by combining the name of her dog and a New Jersey township. But of course, she didn’t do anything wrong. What could be wrong with the head of a government agency having a fake email address under which she could conduct the public’s business?
The EPA will use whatever means necessary to regulate American consumers and kill businesses, all in the name of fake science. The Amazon Defense Front, one of the EPA’s top consulting firms, is being sued by Chevron after they submitted falsified scientific documents to the court and won a $19 billion judgment.
This same firm is trying to kill the Pebble project, the largest mining project in U.S. history. If you fake documents in one lawsuit, you can fake them in the next, and pretend you know nothing about it—business as usual for the EPA.
All of this regulation suffocation is so we can “save our planet” from the damages we humans do to it and prevent ourselves from global warming incineration…despite the fact that scientists have just found that the earth has not been heating up since 1998.
Bill Klesse, chairman and CEO, Valero Energy Corp. says RFS is “nothing more than a federally mandated cost to each gallon of transportation fuel that will be passed on to the consumer.
Some have suggested that the refining sector should move…to a blend called E-15. AAA recently testified before Congress, the E-15 blend is not warranted for use by 95 percent of cars on the road today. E-15 reduces engine life, and E-15 prompts fuel pump failures and "misfuelings." There are also issues with boats, lawn mowers, motorcycles and other small engines.”
We have to stop the RFS now. The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers has warned Congress that our vehicles will not run on an E15 standard, and that E10 is harmful, too. Farmers don’t like it. Car manufacturers don’t like it. Consumers don’t like it. RFS must be repealed.
Conservative Daily