In a stunning announcement, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report Tuesday, stating that the United States would likely fall off a “fiscal cliff” if the Bush-era tax cuts were allowed to expire at the end of the year.
Conservatives across our great nation are demanding that these tax cuts be renewed and that government pork programs be cut. Meanwhile, liberals would prefer to further damage our economy by demanding wealth redistribution measures in return for these beneficial tax cuts that help ordinary Americans and drive our economy. It has become clear that liberals care more about their power base than they do our nation’s well-being!!
For much of the last decade, the Bush-era tax cuts have been maligned by Democrats as detrimental to the economy. Time and time again, these folks have tried to overturn the tax cuts. As taxpayers, we are already saddled with footing the bill for the recipient class; now it seems, liberals believe that if you are not on-the-take from the government then you MUST be far too successful. In their eyes, success must be punished by higher taxes. Meanwhile, conservatives nationwide have been demonstrating the benefits of the Bush tax cuts, arguing that the economy would tank if they were overturned or repealed.
It looks like history is once again proving that conservatives correct. The CBO report stated that if the Bush-era tax cuts were allowed to expire on January 1, 2013 the country would fall back into a recession. The CBO noted that the economy would likely contract by 1.3% in the first half of 2013. We must not allow this to happen!
Of course, Congressional Democrats are using the impending expiration as a bargaining chip. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, in typical fashion, demanded a wealth redistribution plan before he and his liberal cronies would consider renewing the Bush tax cuts. Reid’s unreasonable demands are effectively holding our economy hostage!
The fight over these Bush-era tax cuts highlights the failed SOCIALIST logic currently in use by tax-and-spend Congressional Democrats and their liberal followers nationwide. Democrats rely on votes from the recipient class to remain in power. The more citizens in need government of assistance, the more votes Democrats typically receive. Therefore, Democrats have incentive to keep the economy sputtering along and are likely secretly praying for the CBO forecasted recession. The more citizens that are hurting financially = more votes for Reid, Pelosi, and Obama.
Majority Leader Reid stated that he will only renew the Bush-era tax cuts if Republicans agree to raise taxes on the middle and upper classes, as well as on small business; all while refusing to cut bloated government programs. We must stand our ground and force these tax cuts through Congress without overtaxing the engines of our economy. Wealth redistribution MUST be taken off the table.
Democrats would rather bankrupt the section of the economy that is actually working and REWARD those who act as a drag on the economy rather than lose votes come November. Congressional Democrats are playing politics with YOUR money and YOUR family’s well being!! They want to continue to use the government to off choke prosperity so that they may create more governmental dependence and more votes. WE MUST STOP THIS CYCLE!!