Yesterday, Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) took to the House floor and released all of the remaining transcripts from Congress' Clinton email investigation. This includes the closed door testimony from Obama's Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
There is a reason that these hearings were done in private. House Republicans didn't want witnesses to hear what the other ones were saying under oath. That way, they couldn't coordinate their stories.
During Lynch's interview, she was asked point-blank whether she ever instructed James Comey to refer to the Hillary Clinton investigation as a "matter."
Questioner: So you do not believe you ever instructed him to call it a matter?"
Lynch: I did not. I have never instructed a witness as to what to say specifically. Never have, never will."
But James Comey testified the exact opposite.
Comey: At one point, the Attorney General [Lynch] had directed me not to call it an investigation, but instead to call it a matter, which confused me and concerned me.
These are direct quotes. They cannot both be telling the truth. One of these deep state traitors just committed perjury, a crime punishable by up to 5 years in prison. But both Republicans and Democrats are refusing to refer them for prosecution!
In order for Comey and Lynch to face justice, Congress must refer them to the US Attorney for prosecution. Since Lynch testified before the House and Comey lied to the Senate, that means that any Congressman or Senator can make the referral.
But this isn't the only lie that Comey has been implicated in. Rep. Collins also released the testimony from FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's hearing. McCabe testified that Comey directed him to illegally leak investigation details to the media. Comey, however, testified that he never instructed anyone to leak.
That's a second perjury count, putting bringing the maximum prison sentence up to 10 years…
Here we have clear evidence that James Comey broke the laws and the GOP is refusing to touch it.
They had this evidence for almost two years. They knew that Comey, Lynch, and McCabe perjured themselves, and the Republicans did nothing about it. The only reason we have this evidence right now is because Rep. Collins decided to release it all to the public on his own.
Republicans and Democrats didn't want you to know this. They didn't want you to know that they were sweeping the Deep State's crimes under the rug.
But now that you know, you have an obligation to act!
This is an open and shut case. At least one of these Deep State traitors perjured themselves and lied to Congress.
These are real crimes that carry real prison sentences.
And it's not just the Democrats who are protecting them. The Republican leadership has been sitting on this evidence for two years. They thought they could get away with covering it all up.
They were wrong. You must prove them wrong!
No rest until they are locked up,
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily