For years — literally for years — we have been asking a very simple question: What did Obama know about the Trump-Russia witch hunt, and when did he know it?
It was obvious that he knew something. On inauguration day, just minutes before being removed from the White House email system, Susan Rice sent herself an email “documenting” that Obama told Comey and the FBI involved to make sure they investigated Trump “by the book.”
We also knew from Peter Strzok and Lisa Page’s text messages that the White House had asked for a briefing on their Russia investigation early on. Page texted Strzok in September of 2016 that “potus wants to know everything we’re doing.” “potus” stands for President of the United States.
So, we knew that Obama was briefed, and we knew that Obama “allegedly” gave the FBI last-minute instructions on how to conduct the investigation. The only question left was when Obama got involved in the witch hunt.
The documents just released show that Barack H. Obama was involved from the very beginning!
Sally Yates was the Deputy Attorney General during the Obama Administration. She automatically became the Attorney General when Trump told Loretta Lynch to get lost. In the Obama years, Yates was the #2 official in the Department of Justice.
She was the official who briefed the Trump White House about Michael Flynn “lying” and warned them that he would be a blackmail risk if he wasn’t fired. She played an integral role not only in investigating Flynn, but also in signing off on the fraudulent FISA warrants.
In yesterday’s document dump, there is transcript where Yates explains how she first learned about Michael Flynn’s phone call with the Russian ambassador. She didn’t learn from the FBI agents working the case. She wasn’t briefed in the Department of Justice. She was encouraged to investigate Michael Flynn by none other than Barack Hussein Obama himself.
As a meeting in the oval office started winding down, Obama sent most attendees away but asked Comey and Yates to stay behind. Obama then told the two of them that he had “‘learned of the information about Flynn’ and his conversation with Kislyak about sanctions.”
Obama then, apparently, told him he did not want any more information, but then immediately asked for more information about Flynn’s phone call. The request took Yates by surprise she “had no idea what the President was talking about.”
This is stunning. We now know that Barack Obama was involved in this witch hunt from the very beginning. He knew about Flynn’s phone call with the Russian ambassador before the Deputy Attorney General even did. He knew everything and he knew it from the beginning.
We now know that the Flynn investigation was rotten from the start. The FBI had no legitimate reason to interrogate Flynn because they already had the transcript of the call. The only reason they interrogated Flynn was to try to catch him in a lie. They had ZERO legal right to investigate Michael Flynn.
And now we know that Obama was the one who encouraged the DOJ and FBI to dig deeper and investigate Flynn…
This is bigger than Watergate. This is direct evidence that the President of the United States was involved in an illegal takedown scheme targeting a member of the incoming administration.
And yet, the only person who has not been asked any questions about this is Barack Obama himself. He is the only person involved in this meeting who has not already been dragged in to answer for what they did.
That has to change!
When Andrew McCabe testified, he implicated himself and his team in a crime (using the unverified “dossier” to secure a warrant). James Comey also couldn’t manage to testify without also confessing to a crime (admitting to leaking his so-called memos). Sally Yates testified and implicated the President himself in these crimes.
What do you think will happen to Barack Obama if he is called in to testify. Without a teleprompter telling him what to say, how many crimes do you think he will admit to?
The Far Left has never been more afraid. They see that Barack Obama has now become a co-conspirator in the biggest political scandal in American history and they are desperately trying to stop him from being subpoenaed to testify. They know that if he is forced to answer for his crimes, it is all over.
Our campaign today is simple. We need your help to bombard Congress in a million FaxBlasts FORCING them subpoena Barack H. Obama himself and require him to testify as to his involvement with this illegal witch hunt.
But we cannot do this without you. We desperately need your help to win this fight!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily