This is precisely what we feared. Last night, Mitch McConnell confirmed that the GOP does not have the votes necessary to end the impeachment trial. What that means is that there are at least four Republicans who have gone over to the other side and plan to vote with Democrats to extend the impeachment trial.
Yesterday, we reported on the first three to flip — Romney, Collins, and Murkowski — and warned that GOPers were lining up behind them and chomping at the bit for a chance to turn on the President. Well, that is precisely what has happened.
Four or more Republicans — and our sources indicate it is more than four — now plan to vote with the Left to subpoena additional White House documents and anti-Trump witnesses. And let me be absolutely clear: these traitors are only going to help subpoena the Democrats' witnesses. They are NOT going to vote to allow the Trump team to call witnesses from their list…
For the past three years, Establishment Republicans have been waiting for their opportunity to take out the President. Now, they are making their move!
No one is saying who these other GOP turncoats are. With the vote coming this Friday, these traitors want to keep their names a secret until then so you can't hold them accountable. This is how treacherous this has become…
But the amazing thing is that Democrats are also trying to hide. Yesterday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), hardly a Trump supporter, said during an interview that she believed the American people should decide Trump's fate since we are so close to the 2020 election. Immediately, the Far Left pounced on her and after a few hours of non-stop calls, emails, and faxes, Feinstein backtracked and apologized for being misunderstood.
Since then, Republicans and "moderate" Democrats have gone silent. No one wants to advertise how they plan to vote because they don't want to be harassed between now and the vote on Friday.
They are hoping that they can catch you off guard and stab you in the back.
And we have just 48 hours to stop them!
If the vote was held today, we know that the Democrats would win. They would succeed in prolonging the impeachment trial in an attempt to finally remove President Trump from office. All because more than four GOPers have now decided to turn on the President.
But the vote isn't being held today… That means there is still time to stop this before it's too late!
Fight back with everything you've got!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily