From elementary school all the way up through high school and college, in History and Civics classes, Americans are taught that the our government is supposed to be accountable to the people. To underscore this fact, the founding fathers made the first words of the Constitution read “We the People”. The idea of a government accountable to its citizenry is the very cornerstone of liberty and is perhaps the single greatest idea in human history. Liberty in action spawned not only the industrial revolution, but also the computer and Internet revolution as well as creative endeavors unmatched in human history.
Unfortunately, government accountability and the resulting liberty that extends from the practice are under attack. In his poem entitled “The Second Coming”, poet master William Butler Yeats writes: “Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold”.
Our Republic is falling apart; without our help, the center cannot hold.
Government accountability is dying right before our eyes. We have a front row seat to the demise of liberty and can view its departure in real time by simply watching the news or surfing the web. Never has this evaporation of accountability been more acute than with the Obama Administration’s handling of the current sequester. It displays President Obama’s unrelenting march toward a police state and highlights how much he despises the American public.
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This sequester is slowly having an impact on Americans; soon, we will all likely feel the pinch. But the White House, in yet another power grab by an increasingly dictatorial President, is defunding programs that protect American lives and provide for the greater good. All the while, spending hundreds of millions to arm the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) the agencies that form President Obama’s own KGB-style secret police force.
So while you are no longer allowed to take a tour of the White House, affectionately dubbed the “People’s House”, President Obama is buying BILLIONS of rounds of ammunition for DHS and the FBI. We have already reported the DHS is purchasing in excess of 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point bullets and now the FBI is reportedly spending $100 million more on ammunition.
While President Obama puts air traveler’s safety at risk by shutting down air traffic control towers nationwide, he spends $50 million on new uniforms for the DHS run Transportation Security Administration (TSA).
While President Obama spends millions to purchase over 2,700 TANKS for DHS (yes, tanks), he is cutting benefits for veterans; treating our American hero’s like forgotten patriots.
Let us be very clear: the ammunition and weaponry has its sites on the American people. Under international law, hollow points cannot be used in warfare. Therefore, those 1.6 billion rounds will be, as Pat Roberson recently said, “Used by Homeland Security against us!”
Even before the FBI’s $100 million purchase of ammunition, DHS had enough bullets to shoot every single man woman and child in the United States five times. The United States only used 70 million rounds in the war to liberate Iraq; what does DHS need with 1.6 billion rounds?
There is no longer any government accountability to the US citizenry. In fact, there is clear and terrifying evidence that demonstrates that not only does Obama no longer feels accountable to the American people, he also feels threatened by us.
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There is nothing more frightening to liberty and life than a despotic President who is scared of the citizenry and has armed his secret police to the teeth with drones, ammunition, and tanks. The only targets are the American people and the goal is the complete evisceration of our Constitution and the civil liberties that spring from that document.
We must act. We must demand a Congressional investigation into the purchase of these weapons ammunition. We must demand that the White House be accountable for the shutting down vital programs that go to the safety of Americans. Your liberty, your safety, and your life depend on taking action now. It is almost too late. Please, contact Congress today and together we stop this advancement of tyranny that threatens our lives and liberties.