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Senator Inhoffe Confirms Benghazi Cover-Up; Impeachment Charges Next?

Click HERE to demand a Full Congressional Investigation into the Benghazi Cover Up, including the possibility impeachment hearings and criminal charges to be levied against President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

First off, we want to thank our readers for applying pressure to Congress and demanding hearings regarding the tragic events of September 11, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya.  You sent thousands of faxes and emails to Congress and those in power were forced to listen.  You demanded that Hillary Clinton and Leon Pannetta testify and after months of your voices demanding answers, they were forced to speak under oath, in front of the American people. 

The families of those that lost their lives are surely thanking you for your actions.  But as you will see, the job is not done.  We must keep pushing Congress until we justice has been served on those in our government who refused to act and allowed our citizens to be murdered at the hands terrorist savages.

At Conservative-Daily, we have been keeping you abreast of the Benghazi massacre and the questions surrounding the White House’s response.  We were one of the first theorize that the Obama Administration was engaging in a cover up and we reported this cover up contemporaneously; while President Obama and his Cabinet were lying to the American public, we were one of the few media outlets raising the alarm.  Not because we wanted the scoop, but because we care about our fellow Americans abroad who sacrifice their safety on a daily basis to keep our families safe.  We owe them a debt of gratitude.  We owe them justice. 

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Last week, Secretary of Defense and former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Leon Pannetta testified on Capitol Hill.  His testimony was as shocking as it was heart breaking.  The night Americans were under attack, the night Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed and their dead bodies desecrated in the streets of Benghazi, on the night that our Embassy was under siege for more than seven hours by terrorists, President Obama was AWOL as Commander-in-Chief.

Let us be incredibly precise: according to Sec. Pannetta, on the night that four Americans were killed and our embassy was attacked, neither President Obama nor ANY White House staff contacted the Secretary of Defense nor any other person or organization that was monitoring the situation in Libya. 

Click HERE to demand a Full Congressional Investigation into the Benghazi Cover Up, including the possibility impeachment hearings and criminal charges to be levied against President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

However, President Obama was in the White House and working that evening. He made an hour long politically motivated phone call.  Even as Americans were under attack and being killed, Obama was more concerned about his own ambitions.  He couldn’t be bothered to give the orders to send in Marines, who were only one hour away. 

Let us say that again: it was a seven-hour siege and Marines were only one hour away.  President Obama refused to contact the Secretary of Defense; he knowingly and willingly let our people die proving that he is as much of a moral coward as he is a dictatorial presence in the White House.

In the days and weeks following Benghazi, there was clearly a cover up.  Senator Inhoffe (R-OK), Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, stated “as bad as everything that I’ve stated is, what I think is worse is the cover-up…It was obvious from the information we had on Sept. 11 that the second wave … of attacks on the annex was unequivocally a terrorist attack, and we knew it right at the time”.

For six months Americans have demanded to know what exactly transpired in Libya on September 11, 2012.  We demand to know why our countrymen died defenseless, sacrificing their lives for their country.  Of course the White House won’t comment.  What?  Did you expect Obama to tell the truth and relinquish power?   The cover up was a knee jerk response from an Administration for which such un-American activities have become commonplace.

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Obama’s purposeful obfuscation is easy to understand: he had an election to steal.  He didn’t want the American people to know that the Embassy lacked armed security even though it resided in a nation known for harboring terrorists and has been historically antagonistic to the United States.  He didn’t want us to know that the Embassy had petitioned for added security and had been denied.  He didn’t want us to know that on the day of the attack, Ambassador Stevens had begged for more security, only to be denied and then killed by the very men he feared; betrayed by the country Ambassador Stevens swore to protect. Obama wanted so badly to win this election that he allowed Americans to be killed and created a cover up surrounding the attacks. 

Effectively, he committed electoral fraud and stole the election; climbing on the backs of four dead American heroes.  Now, Obama the Coward sends in his Secretary’s to speak for him since he is too scared to do it himself. 

Click HERE to demand a Full Congressional Investigation into the Benghazi Cover Up, including the possibility impeachment hearings and criminal charges to be levied against President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Last month, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee released a damning report on the Benghazi fiasco.  The report says it all; in discussing the security of the embassy and the danger in the country, the report states that Benghazi was “increasingly dangerous and unstable, and that a significant attack against American personnel there was becoming much more likely”.  This information did not lead to increased security at the Benghazi consulate or closing the operation altogether. The report called both of these options “more than justified by the intelligence presented”.  In fact, the report stops just short of placing all the blame for the failed security on directly on President Obama and Secretary Clinton.

Don’t believe that President Obama and Secretary Clinton were at fault for the security failures in Benghazi?  The Senate Report goes on to state that “In the months leading up to the attack on the Temporary Mission Facility in Benghazi, there was a large amount of evidence gathered by the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) and from open sources that Benghazi was increasingly dangerous and unstable, and that a significant attack against American personnel there was becoming much more likely. While this intelligence was effectively shared within the Intelligence Community (IC) and with key officials at the Department of State, it did not lead to a commensurate increase in security at Benghazi nor to a decision to close the American mission there, either of which would have been more than justified by the intelligence presented.”

Let’s not forget, Libya is the same country where President Obama spiked the football after former Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi was deposed and later killed.  In typical Obama fashion, he took credit for the success of others.  Unfortunately, after the celebration, he didn’t bother to properly secure the American Embassy.  The US Ambassador killed in the attack, J. Christopher Stevens, wrote in his diary that he was on an Al-Qaeda kill list and feared an imminent terrorist attack.  Did the President or Secretary Clinton pay attention to the Ambassador’s concerns?  Nope. In fact, the week before the terrorist attack, Obama didn’t bother to attend a single intelligence briefing, despite actionable intelligence warning of a possible active terror cell in Libya ready to strike American interests. 

Think that’s bad?  Since President Obama was first inaugurated he has skipped over 66% of his intelligence briefings.  Unbelievable!  In a post 9/11 world, it is unfathomable that a sitting President would care so little for the lives of the American people that he would put their safety on the backburner so that he might keep his job.

There are even reports saying that there was actionable intelligence more than a week before the tragic events transpired.  Yet Obama did NOTHING.  He allowed Americans to die so that he could save his job.  His Presidency will forever be marred with the blood of American martyrs.

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Stand with us and demand a FULL Congressional investigation into the Benghazi cover up.  President Obama must answer for his actions even if that requires impeachment.  Lives have been lost, lies told, and injustice has been served.  It is time Congress reigns in the Obama Administration.  Barack Obama must not be allowed to use dead American patriots as cannon fodder. Demand CRIMINAL charges for any wrongdoing.  We hope that you will stand with us.  Our fallen patriots deserve better and we hope you will add your voice to ours so that their sacrifice won’t be made in vain.  Fax Congress today and demand a full investigation!

Click HERE to demand a Full Congressional Investigation into the Benghazi Cover Up, including the possibility impeachment hearings and criminal charges to be levied against President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton


Tony Adkins


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