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Ryan and McConnell Are Deliberately Blocking Pro-Life Bill!

Fellow Conservative,

When the abortionist butcher, Kermit Gosnell, was arrested in Philadelphia and charged with murdering late-term babies who were born perfectly alive during botched abortion proceedings, the entire country gasped.

This was the side of the abortion industry that the Left didn’t want you to see, where doctors would kill perfectly healthy, born-alive babies simply because their mother didn’t want them.

The court records show that on at least one particular occasion, Kermit Gosnell preformed an abortion on a teenager who was 17-years-old. The teenager was seven and a half months pregnant. Kermit Gosnell induced birth and brought a 6-pound, writhing infant into the world.

Then he took a pair of scissors and stabbed it in the back, severing the baby's spinal cord.

The cry of an unborn child is supposed to be a beautiful sound, not a symptom of the pain they’re being subjected to as they’re brought into the world!

The Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would have saved this child’s life. This bill has a simple premise: if a newborn child survives an abortion attempt, then the doctors must fulfill their Hippocratic Oath and provide medical care.

This bill has already passed the House with a bipartisan vote of 248-177. The Senate refuses to touch it.

It is up to YOU to force the issue!

What Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are doing is shameful! Send your FaxBlast to Congress and DEMAND they pass the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act this budget season!

We just entered budget season. This is the time when Congressmen and Senators rush as fast as they can to pass appropriations bills so they can fund the government in time for Congress to go on vacation.

As we predicted, yesterday, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan announced that he was suspending “regular order” and officially limiting who can propose amendments to these spending bills.

The Senate followed suit, promising that the amendment process would be limited in the interest of time. That wasn’t a really shocking change, given the fact that there are almost 400 pieces of legislation sitting on Mitch McConnell’s desk that passed the House but have yet to receive a Senate vote…

Many in Congress saw this time as the perfect opportunity to advance the pro-life cause. These appropriations bills are what are called “must-pass” pieces of legislation. They present the best opportunity of forcing liberals to accept amendments they don’t necessarily agree with to avoid a government shutdown.

There is nothing controversial about the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. If a woman goes in for an abortion and the baby is born alive and survives the attempt on his or her life, that child deserves the full protection of the law.

I was born about a month-premature. When I was brought into the world, I wasn’t that much more developed than the seven and a half pound baby that Kermit Gosnell viciously stabbed with a pair of scissors.

I am able to write this to you today because I was born into a family of love. Not everyone is that lucky.

The notion that children are being born-alive, premature, after failed abortion attempts and being stabbed and discarded like medical waste is appalling.

Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are doing everything they can to stop this absolutely common-sense legislation from being attached to a must-pass spending bill.

The bill passed as a standalone piece of legislation with a bipartisan majority in the House and all analysis points to the bill passing the Senate as well.

Ryan and McConnell are keeping it out because they just don’t want it to pass!

Instead of letting Ryan and McConnell surrender to Obama’s agenda, you need to force them to fight! Quick, tell Congress to attach the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to a spending bill and force Obama to sign it!

As I wrote earlier, the cry of a newborn is a beautiful sound. As someone who was recently married, I can’t wait until I get to hear that sound for myself in a delivery room.

But in abortion centers all across this country, that newborn’s cry means something else entirely. To the left, the cry is evidence that the abortionist butchers messed up the procedure and a sign that they need to dispose of the evidence as fast as possible.

We’re better than this. The unborn deserve better than this.

Life is precious. I want to live in a world where all innocent human life is protected. I am confident that we will accomplish that in my lifetime. For the first time in decades, more people identify as pro-life than as pro-death.

But right now, we need protect as many unborn and newborn children as we can and that is best accomplished by forcing Congress to attach the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to a spending bill and force Obama to sign it!

Everyday, abortionists murder innocent children born-alive because Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are too spineless to act! Please, I beg you, FaxBlast Congress and FORCE them to pass the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act by any means necessary!


Max McGuire
Advocacy Director
Conservative Daily


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