Dear Conservative,
Did you see what Obama said on his trip to Asia?
He flew to Vietnam for the first leg of his Asian tour and went out of his way to promise that he would do everything in his power to implement his radical Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement, also known as Obamatrade.
“Every trade deal is painful,” he explained to the crowd of Vietnamese reporters.
No, Mr. President… Every trade deal doesn’t have to be painful. They don’t have to be designed to ship American jobs overseas!
We have been fighting against Obamatrade from the beginning.
First of all, a lame-duck President should not have the power to decide the future of American trade policy.
Second of all, this agreement is horrible for America.
Last year, Congress inverted the Constitution’s treaty requirements. Instead of requiring a 2/3 majority to approve of TPP, the Republicans instituted a 2/3 threshold in order to kill TPP.
Congress gave Barack Obama, a radical lame-duck President, the power to negotiate this trade deal and then surrendered their right to amend it.
Congress is 100% powerless to make any alterations to the trade agreement. They are being presented with the prospect of killing hundreds of thousands of American jobs and have to vote either “yes” or “no.”
They must vote “NO!”
Obamatrade gives more power to Asian countries to undercut our domestic manufacturing;
The TPP has a provision in it that actually curtails free speech on the internet, ushering in a level of censorship not seen in almost 100 years;
And worst of all, the TPP literally rewrites our immigration laws. This horrible trade agreement will force the United States to take in even more immigrants and laborers.
So if the trade agreement doesn’t put Americans out work by shipping their job to Asia, it will import cheap laborers to take their jobs here in the United States.
Obama’s statement that “every trade deal is painful” is beyond insulting. He is telling the American people to just get over the fact that we’ll lose jobs over this.
Absolutely not!
Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan are keenly aware that the American people – both on the Left and the Right – hate this trade agreement. The presumptive nominee of the Republican Party has promised to stop this trade agreement from moving forward.
Faced with this prospect, McConnell and Ryan are pushing Obamatrade through as fast as they can!
They know that if they have any hope of shipping American jobs overseas, they’ll have to act quickly.
As you read this, they are scheduling an up-or-down vote. A simple majority will decide whether many Americans get to keep their jobs or not.
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily