Congressional Alerts News Romney Chooses Paul Ryan As Running MatePublished:August 11, 2012Updated:January 22, 2025Share PostShare on FacebookShare on XShare by EmailSend Link
Congressional Alerts News Political Terrorism: Harry Reid Hijacks Senate Floor And Attacks Gov. RomneyPublished:August 11, 2012Updated:January 22, 2025Share PostShare on FacebookShare on XShare by EmailSend Link
The Constitution Obama hints he may bypass Congress and pass new gun lawsPublished:August 10, 2012Share PostShare on FacebookShare on XShare by EmailSend Link
Election Obama Favors Illegal’s Over U.S. Citizens And SafetyPublished:August 9, 2012Share PostShare on FacebookShare on XShare by EmailSend Link
The Constitution Constitution In Ashes As Obama Continues To Ignore The Rule of LawPublished:August 8, 2012Share PostShare on FacebookShare on XShare by EmailSend Link
Election Obama Punishes The Military: Sues to Deny Their VotePublished:August 7, 2012Share PostShare on FacebookShare on XShare by EmailSend Link
Civil Liberties News Obama’s Secret Police Is Rising: We Must Stop ThemPublished:August 6, 2012Updated:January 22, 2025Share PostShare on FacebookShare on XShare by EmailSend Link
The Constitution Martial Law and Election Day: Obama set to declare martial law at the threat of a loss?Published:August 1, 2012Share PostShare on FacebookShare on XShare by EmailSend Link
Today's Action Alerts Committed To Destroying Our Rights: Dems Push Gun Control Through CyberSecurityPublished:August 1, 2012Share PostShare on FacebookShare on XShare by EmailSend Link
The Constitution Obama’s Backdoor Amnesty: Unconstitutional and Will Cost TaxpayersPublished:July 31, 2012Share PostShare on FacebookShare on XShare by EmailSend Link