Fellow American,
A new report has detailed that the Obama administration is deliberately delaying the release of the Pentagon’s investigation into Bowe Bergdahl’s desertion.
As you remember, Barack Obama traded five high-ranking Taliban leaders earlier this year in order to get Army PFC Bowe Bergdahl released from captivity.
I firmly believe in the mantra of “no man left behind,” but this was a horrible trade – not to mention an illegal one…
You see, it has long been suspected that PFC Bergdahl actually deserted his unit to go search for the Taliban. Leaked intelligence documents show that Bowe Bergdahl was wandering around, asking locals to point him towards the Taliban.
The evidence is overwhelming that Bergdahl deserted his unit and sought out the enemy. Article 85 of the Universal Military Code of Justice demands that anyone caught deserting during a time of war must be punished by death or life in prison.
The Army’s investigation has been completed, but the administration is holding off on releasing the findings until after the Midterm Elections…
There are only two possible reasons for this: (1) either Bergdahl is going to face serious prison time or even death or (2) Bergdahl is going to be let off the hook…
The bottom line is that Democrats don’t want you to know the results of the Pentagon’s investigation until after you’ve already cast your ballot!
There’s no such thing as delaying good news until after an election… The American people deserve to know PFC Bowe Bergdahl’s fate NOW!
It really is this simple: The Obama administration is delaying justice because the results of the investigation could be politically damaging to Congressional Democrats.
This is the same reason that the President is delaying his illegal alien amnesty executive order and the White House even admits it. Josh Earnest, the WH Spokesperson, admitted that Obama delayed his executive order until after the midterm elections because “political environment would be really bad for the issue.”
Yes, the White House Spokesman just literally admitted that the President was delaying his action to help his allies get elected.
The same is true for the Bowe Bergdahl investigation!
Listen: I am not going to judge this man. The only evidence I have of Bowe Bergdahl’s desertion stems from the testimony of his squad mates and leaked CIA documents.
It isn’t my job to pass judgment on this man… I will defer to whatever the Pentagon decides is a just punishment.
But that’s the point: the Pentagon must release its ruling! Right now, the administration is playing politics with this man’s fate. Obviously, there is something in the Pentagon’s investigation that would be harmful to Congressional Democrats facing re-electiom.
I don’t know what that “something” is but I do know one thing: Every American deserves to know the results of this investigation before going into the voting booth in a few weeks!
Whatever the Obama administration is hiding must be released immediately! If Bergdahl is guilty, he should be punished. And if the administration is going to disregard the evidence and let him go, then the American people deserve to know this before casting a ballot!
I’m sick and tired of watching this administration play politics with every decision!
The facts are all there. He deserted his unit during a time of war; he deliberately sought out the Taliban, and eventually began to live with them in complete harmony. He wasn’t a captive. The evidence shows that he was their ally.
His fellow soldiers have reported that once Bergdahl went missing, the IEDs aimed at American convoys in the region suddenly became more complex and deadly. But the Obama administration wants us to believe that is a coincidence…
This case couldn’t get clearer. Bergdahl deserted his unit during a time of war to seek out the enemy. The punishment for that, if convicted, is death.
You need to ask yourself this: if it is so clear that Bowe Bergdahl wandered off base under his own power… and it is so clear that he deserted his fellow soldiers during a time of war… Why won’t the administration allow the Pentagon to release its findings?
What could be so damaging that it hurts Democrats this November?
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily