Fellow Conservative,
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Paul Ryan is proving to be just as dangerous as John Boehner ever was.
Right now, Republicans and Democrats are negotiating behind closed doors over next year’s OMNIBUS spending bill. This legislation will fund all the discretionary parts of government.
Nancy Pelosi has a demand, however. She is demanding an end to the ban on Federal gun control research to allow for the CDC and other agencies to actively go after your guns!
There is a reason that Congress banned the CDC from researching gun control. In 1994, Dr. Mark Rosenberg, the former head of the CDC’s National Center for Injury Control and Prevention, made his goal clear: “We need to revolutionize the way we look at guns, like what we did with cigarettes…. Now smoking is dirty, deadly, and banned.”
The CDC was engaging in junk science in order to create evidence for gun control. They weren’t trying to study gun violence. They had a specific policy goal in mind – banning guns – and they tailored their research to reach that goal.
You’ve probably heard the statistic that gun owners are 2.7x more likely to be murdered. This came out of the CDC in the early 1990s and has absolutely no basis in truth. Not only that, but the CDC was caught funneling taxpayer money to gun control groups and organizations.
They didn’t even try to hide that. They literally used press conferences to announce that they were giving your tax dollars to gun control organizations.
So, Congress passed a simple law to ban gun control research. With one sentence, Congress put a stop to it.
“None of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun control."
No more funneled money… no more biased research…
Nancy Pelosi and the Left like to say that Congress banned gun violence research. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. The CDC has every right to research gun violence as long as the goal of the inquiry is not to disarm Americans and ban guns. But they are so biased that they just stopped researching it all together.
If the Democrats get their way and this ban is lifted, then the full weight of the Federal government’s largest research agency will descend on American gun owners.
This ban CANNOT be lifted!
Here’s the scary part. When asked where he stood on the issue, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) simply “declined to take a position.” Sorry, Congressman. You don’t get to decline taking a position on the 2nd Amendment.
We are at a precipice. Tensions haven’t been this high in years. A friend of mine who owns a gun store has bare shelves. His customers almost completely cleaned him out. Meanwhile, the President is preparing the biggest gun control executive order yet.
We can’t afford to give even an inch.
Paul Ryan is treating this like something he can use to bargain. He is selling us out. Ryan sees nothing wrong with giving the CDC the power to push for gun control again as long as he gets his spending bill.
I don’t know about you, but I refuse to go quietly. No way.
Not on my watch! Tell Congress to STOP Paul Ryan from giving away our 2nd Amendment rights!
Max McGuire
Conservative Daily