Yesterday, the latest attempt to repeal Obamacare failed after multiple Republican Senators declared they would be voting against the bill.
Mind you, these are the same GOP Senators who have been promising for seven years they’d pass a repeal bill on Day One that they control the government. Here we are on Day 250 and they have failed to repeal Obamacare not once, but twice. Then we learned that even if it passed the Senate, it might not have even passed the House.
It is actually pretty remarkable. Right now, instead of honoring their promises, they are actually plotting a new way to stab you in the back by passing the Democrats’ illegal alien amnesty bill. That is their new priority.
Enough is enough.
It is easy to look at what is happening in Washington DC and just walk away from it. But then, we give the GOP traitors exactly what they want.
Right now, Alabamans are voting in a special runoff primary election. By all the polling, the establishment incumbent is about to lose in a landslide. Voters are showing the establishment and donor class that they can’t buy the American people’s support.
Mitch McConnell is running scared. He pumped 30 million into Luther Strange’s re-election effort and he is still losing by double digits in the polls released on the day of the voting. All across the country, establishment Republicans are starting to trail their primary opponents. NeverTrump Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) is losing to his primary opponent by 27 points. Mitch McConnell’s approval rating in his home state alone is at 18% and dropping. This is typically unheard of. They realize that their political future is likely over.
That is what gives you power!
Our demand is pretty simple: clean house. That’s right, ditch Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and everyone else in their orbit. Start fresh with new leadership.
These people promised to repeal Obamacare for seven years and can’t even get a bill to Trump’s desk.
They promised to build a border fence/wall for ELEVEN years, yet they still refuse to fund it.
They promised to pass major pro-gun legislation, yet they are sitting on bills like the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act that have enough support to pass.
Go down the list and you will see betrayal after betrayal.
Earlier this summer, President Trump was asked whether he wanted Mitch McConnell and the rest of the GOP leadership to be replaced. He told the reporter to get back to him after Congress votes to repeal Obamacare.
As we saw last night, they failed to repeal it once again.
Trump wants their heads. He knows that Ryan and McConnell didn’t want him to be President. Since his inauguration, they have been, at best, going through the motions and at worst, undermining his agenda. He gave them a shot in pursuit of loyalty. But Trump admitted last week that he made a mistake trusting McConnell.
The only thing these Congressmen and Senators understand is the brute force of the American electorate. They thought they could betray you, stab you in the back, and then rely on their corporate donors to win re-election. Now they’re watching as an incumbent Senator is losing by double digits in Alabama, even though he spent tens of millions on ads.
Fact: The only way they win is if we do nothing and let them win… Now is the time to strike. Now is the time to put fear back into their hearts and force them to clean house in the GOP leadership.
Our FaxBlast system is the only way to get a hard-copy message to Congress instantaneously. Phone calls turn into nothing but tally marks on a piece of paper and emails get ignored and deleted. But our FaxBlast system ensures that these Congressional offices are flooded with hundreds of thousands of printed faxes a day from constituents just like you!
Never. Stop. Fighting.
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily
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