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Our Open Border Is Destroying America and Costing Our Children Everything: Secure It Now
The crisis at the southern border of the United States is a massive humanitarian crisis that threatens everything we hold most sacred. Young people are targeted through advertisements in Mexico and South America promising work in the United States, encouraging them to take the precarious route through cartel infested lands where women and children are trafficked both for labor and the sex trade. Once they arrive they are often placed with unvetted individuals who end up enslaving the immigrants forcing them into the blackmarket for labor and the sex trades here in the United States forcing these children to “work off their debt” to the cartel. Approximately 85,000 unaccompanied minors are not accounted for at this time.
Children are targeted by these evil predators and many are repeatedly raped along their journey with a case of one child aged 9 having medically confirmed the DNA of 67 separate individuals within her tiny body. Mass graves have been dug and are being filled with the corpses of unidentified children who did not quite make the journey to safety. This atrocity shakes many Americans who have gained this awareness to their core.
The flood of fentanyl and other deadly drugs are known to flow through the weak and unattended areas of the southern border
Many atrocious crimes are being committed within the United States by known cartel and MS13 gang members who have entered this country between the ports including rape, murder and dismemberment of their victims.
There is also a growing concern of military aged men from adversarial nations like China and the Middle East crossing through the southern border and many fear this is an invasion as it is impossible to tell how many have crossed, who they really are and what their intentions are without entering through the ports where they can be vetted and even turned away if found to be a convicted criminal or a repeat offender.
More Chinese migrants are coming to the U.S. on foot, officials say (nbcnews.com)
There are currently approximately 700,000-1 million foreigners waiting for May 11th when title 42 expires and Joe Biden allows them to enter unfettered with minimal or no documentation.
Title 42 Countdown: 700K Migrants in Mexico Waiting to Rush U.S. Border (breitbart.com)
Varied reports ranging from 2.7 million to 5.5 million illegal entries into the United States since Joe Biden was “elected” as it is impossible to say how many people have truly illegally entered into the United States the numbers referenced above are only an approximation and are likely much higher than reported.
We must do all we can to protect the Citizens of the United States from the consequences of unfettered, undocumented immigration by securing the southern border and finishing the wall and upholding current immigration laws as well as ensuring our intelligence agencies are not destabilizing foreign governments creating the very environment people are trying to escape.
Declassified documents reveal CIA has been sweeping up information on Americans | CIA | The Guardian