“A half-baked idea is okay as long as it's in the oven.” (Attributed to various authors)
Someone took the Obamacare idea out too soon, and it’s sickening everyone who comes into contact with it. The lofty goal of providing everyone with healthcare has two inherent problems: someone has to pay for it (and that’s you and me, getting hit with a myriad of taxes) and there have to be enough doctors to go around (there aren’t, which we are rapidly learning).
Now is the time to repeal Obamacare before all its provisions take effect. Each day we are reminded why this bloated, socialist and expensive scheme is going to dramatically change healthcare in the United States of America. Tell Congress to stall it, defund it, and ultimately repeal this nightmare before it gets even worse.
On February 9th the Los Angeles Times blared the headline, “State lacks doctors to meet demand of national healthcare law.” This is not a surprise. And, it’s not just in California.
On February 7th on the opposite coast, the Washington Times reported: “The Affordable Care Act isn’t scheduled to be fully implemented until next year, but some doctors already are viewing it as dead on arrival. The medical rumor mill is abuzz with stories about physicians girding for Mr. Obama’s signature domestic policy achievement by limiting their exposure to Medicare and Medicaid, selling their practices, converting to fee-for-service approaches, or even retiring from medicine altogether.”
The Obamacare propaganda machine is spinning, spending your tax dollars to make taking this medicine more palatable. But the reality is, Obamacare is awful. It is a nightmare for America and the quality of your healthcare—if you can even get it—is going to decline.
In fact, people are starting to admit it. Diana Dooley, secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency, said "We're going to have to provide care at lower levels." What that means is that states are going to start looking at allowing physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists and optometrists to act as primary care providers.
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So we are now paying astronomical prices for something of lesser value, or nothing at all. Five new taxes relating to Obamacare have taken effect, including taxes on medical devices, surtax on investment income, and a Medicare payroll tax increase. They have raised the threshold on medical expense deductions. And the IRS is assuming that under Obamacare, the cheapest family health insurance plan available in the year 2016 will be $20,000 annually.
Feel better yet?
Higher taxes. Lower quality care. Fewer doctors. A loss of freedom. Is this actually what Obama, Pelosi and Reid envisioned? It is almost criminal to ignore the consequences of Obamacare. Tell every Member of Congress they need to act on this, now.
Perhaps Mr. Obama would like to answer the question, “What good is it if everyone has insurance, but there is no physician available to treat them?”
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