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Of Course: Republicans Helping AOC Resurrect Congressional Pay Raise!

Breaking News: Republicans leaders are now working with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to give Congress a pay raise that they do not deserve!

Last month, we scored a major victory. With your help, we bombarded Congress with thousands and thousands of FaxBlasts demanding that they kill a bill that would have given all Congressmen and Senators a pay raise.

Our message was simple: Congress has not earned a raise.

The results spoke for themselves. It was vulnerable Democrats who heard your demands and forced Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer to stand down. They tabled the bill, with Hoyer promising he would bring it back up for a debate later.

Well, the Democrats learned their lesson. But now it is Republicans who are trying to resurrect this pay raise bill!

Stop the GOP and Dems from giving themselves a raise! Send your urgent FaxBlast to Congress right now and demand that they pass H.R.3260 and cancel all automatic Congressional raises!

One of the most outspoken Representatives supporting the raise was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). She’s only been in Congress for six months and she already believes she deserves a pay raise. Pretty typical…

But amazingly, she now has Republican support. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy came out this week and declared that he agrees with AOC. Congress should get a pay raise.

”I do not want Congress at the end of the day to only be a place that Millionaires serve. This should be a body of the people," McCarthy said.

I’d be inclined to agree with him if I didn’t know that McCarthy is already making 193,400 this year… The salary for non-leadership Members of Congress is currently 173k. That is more than three times the average American's salary…

And the bill they are proposing wouldn’t just give Congress a one-time raise… it would give them a raise every single year.

Tucked within the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 and the Ethics Reform Act of 1989 are provisions that authorize an annual pay raise for Members of Congress. When the economy crashed in 2008, Congress voted to freeze these increases for one decade. That freeze is ending at the end of this year and unless Congress votes to freeze their pay again, the annual raises are set to automatically go back into effect.

Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) and Anthony Brindisi (D-NY) have a solution. It is called the No Raise for Congress Act (H.R.3260). This 2-page bill would permanently change these 1946 and 1989 laws to stop Congress from getting automatic raises. If the believe they deserve a raise, Republicans and Democrats would have to hold on-the-record votes and be held accountable to the American people.

By all measures, Congress has not earned a raise and they know it. This year, only 29 bills have been signed into law so far. That number is pathetically low and should be over 100… And yet, as of right now, these pay raises are still set to go into effect.

The Dems and GOP want to run out the clock. They want to wait for the mainstream media to cover something else so they will have the cover to give themselves new pay raises.

But this betrayal won’t work because YOU know what they’re doing!

Stop Congress from giving themselves a raise! Send your urgent FaxBlast to Congress right now and DEMAND that they pass H.R.3260 and cancel all automatic Congressional raises!

The No Raise for Congress Act would fix all of this for good. It would outlaw automatic raises for Congress and require that any future raises get voted on.

And the legislation continues to gain co-sponsors. Two Democrat Representatives — Davids (KS) and Kim (NJ) — just signed onto the bill at the end of June.

Congress does not deserve a pay raise. They certainly don't deserve to make more than three-times the average American salary. But unless you rise up right now, that is exactly what is going to happen…

Congress truly believes they deserve a raise. It is up to you to smack some sense into them!

Stop the GOP and Dems from giving themselves a raise! Send your urgent FaxBlast to Congress right now and demand that they pass H.R. 3260 and cancel all automatic Congressional raises!

Fight back!

Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

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