Fellow Conservative,
Yesterday, Barack Obama announced his administration’s rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline. The President claims that “climate change” was a main reason for rejecting the project proposal.
What he neglected to tell the United States is that since 2010, there have been more than 12,000 miles of oil pipelines built in the United States. Keystone XL would have just been one of many pipelines built during Obama’s presidency.
For all intents and purposes, Keystone XL was a symbol. Both sides of the aisle used it as a symbol. Yea, it would have been an excellent infrastructure project and source of jobs, but Obama’s decision pales in comparison to what he has planned for later this month!
Obama administration officials are traveling to France as we speak to set up negotiations for a new climate change treaty.
However, instead of putting the treaty to a vote in Congress like the Constitution requires, the President and his allies have openly admitted that they will deliberately go around Congress!
You might be asking how Obama could implement a treaty without working with Congress.
Well, he is using a loophole. Obama and his global warming allies know that Congress will never approve of a new climate treaty. So, instead of creating a new treaty, they are going to amend a 1992 treaty known as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Back in 1992, George H.W. Bush signed the agreement and the Senate ratified it.
The original agreement was essentially pointless. Signatory states “promised” to reduce greenhouse emissions but there weren’t any real requirements.
Obama’s plan would rewrite that 1992 treaty and impose new strict requirements that Congress never agreed to.
The President understands that he will never be able to fully implement his agenda through the EPA. The only way he can push his radical agenda is through the UN!
Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) has come out and blasted Obama’s plan, but so far he has been pretty much alone.
There is no doubt that President Obama is feeling empowered. He is pushing the UN Arms Trade Treaty through without a Congressional vote… He did the same for the nuclear treaty with Iran…
Now, he’s trying to do the same with this new UN Climate Treaty.
The President does not have the right to commit the United States to any treaty without Congressional approval. Period.
Over the last 7 years, he has figured out new and creative ways to shred the constitution and get what he wants through executive action.
Gun control? Check.
Amnesty for illegal aliens? Check.
Conceding to Iran without Congressional approval? Check.
Now, the President is doing the same with so-called “climate change.”
The President and his allies don’t care about you or your families. They could care less whether their actions make it harder for you to feed your family. And the real kicker is that every single thing on Obama’s agenda is unconstitutional.
The United States Constitution dictates that any treaty must receive a 2/3 vote in the Senate in order to it to be ratified. That’s not a suggestion… That’s not a guideline… That’s the LAW!
But – what a surprise – Barack H. Obama isn’t going to follow the Constitution! He is going to help enact a U.N. climate change treaty on his own, without Congress!
You can do this! Click and tell Congress to stop Obama’s radical climate agenda once and for all!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily