Fellow Conservative,
We need border security and we need it now. Even as you read this, illegal aliens from Central and South America are pouring across the Southern Border at a record pace.
The Obama administration, just 13 days away from being kicked to the curb, is desperately trying to resettle as many illegal aliens as possible.
Obama’s DHS is still picking up illegal aliens at the border and dropping them off at bus stops so they can resettle across the country.
After being caught by a local reporter, Homeland Security issued a statement:
“On December 29th, officers with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Laredo, Texas, released 39 females from Central America on their own recognizance after they were briefly detained and issued notices to appear before a federal immigration judge. During the recent increase of individuals illegally entering the United States in south Texas, individuals who have final destinations within the U.S. are identified and transported to bus terminals and airports."
Do you see what they did? They are actually helping illegal aliens get to their destinations in the United States. Not only did the Obama administration acknowledge the surge in border crossings, but they also admitted that instead of returning them back across the border, DHS is actively helping them resettle across the US.
We need the wall and we need it now!
In Congress, RINOs and Democrats are teaming up to resist the construction of a border wall. Democrats refuse to support a border wall on principle – they want as many undocumented Democrats to come into the country as possible – and establishment Republicans oppose it because it costs too much and goes against the interests of their special interests…
Meanwhile, illegal aliens continue to pour in.
Republican Turncoat Lindsey Graham (R-SC) – who famously received 0% in polls when he ran for President last year – is teaming up with Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to not only stop the border wall from being built, but also to legalize all of these illegals that Obama is resettling. They are calling it the “Bridge Act,” as opposed to the Wall Act.
They want to shield all of the illegal aliens that Obama gave amnesty to, all while keeping the border open to let even more into the country…
This is treason. This is nothing but a deliberate attempt to legalize Barack Obama’s unconstitutional amnesty executive orders.
Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are already talking about “compromise” immigration legislation to keep Barack Obama’s amnesty provisions on the books. Even when President Trump shuts the amnesty programs down, Congressional Republicans are talking about restarting them.
They care about two things: the needs of their special interests and the prospect of being removed from office.
It is up to us… it is up to YOU to hold Congress’ feet to the fire to stop them from surrendering to Obama’s amnesty programs!
When Obama was President, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan promised to do everything in their power to block his amnesty proposals from going into effect. They even filed a lawsuit against Obama’s amnesty executive orders.
Now that Trump is less than two weeks away from taking the oath of office, they are plotting to do exactly the opposite.
It’s treacherous… It’s treasonous… And it must be stopped!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily