OUCH! Feeling the pain at the pump due to SOARING gas prices? You are not alone; fuel prices are at record highs and are expected to go even higher this summer. There are reports that some areas could see $5/gallon for gasoline!
It is hard to imagine that on January 19, 2008 the price per gallon of gas was a $1.83. That was the day before Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. was inaugurated as our 44th President. Since he has been in office, they have more than doubled. This is NOT mere coincidence. Before becoming President, Obama is on record as being in FAVOR of higher gas prices in the United States.
In a CNBC interview, Chief Washington Correspondent, John Harwood, asked then Senator Obama “So could these high [gas] prices help us?” Barack Hussein Obama’s response is SHOCKING:
“I think I would have preferred a gradual adjustment”.
President Obama would have “preferred a gradual adjustment”?! Don’t you believe that he should have preferred an energy policy that LOWERS prices for gasoline rather than raise them?
This isn’t mere hyperbole. President Obama appointed Steven Chu as his Energy Secretary. Why is this important? Because Secretary Chu is on RECORD stating that he too was in favor of higher gas prices! In 2008, Steven Chu went the record with the following statement:
“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”
Yes, you read that correctly. President Obama’s Secretary of Energy is ON THE RECORD as being in favor HIGHER gasoline prices!!! Looks like President Obama’s energy policy is working. Today, the average price for a gallon of gasoline is an ASTONISHING RECORD HIGH of $3.87!
It is no secret that Obama doesn’t have many successful policy initiatives. His policy to raise gas prices despite the pain it causes average Americans is certainly the exception. President Obama has more than DOUBLED gas prices since he took the Oath of Office. Do you think that Barack Hussein Obama’s RADICAL, far left environmental stance should require YOU to pay higher gas prices?
Unfortunately, the story does not end there. Earlier this year President Obama denied a Presidential permit to build the MUCH needed Keystone XL Pipeline. With gas prices continually on the rise and staggering unemployment numbers, Obama decided to VETO a plan that would create thousands of jobs and substantially lower gas prices!!
Minority Leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell had this to say about President Obama’s response to the Keystone XL Pipeline:
“Most Americans strongly support building this pipeline and the jobs that would come with it. And it’s incomprehensible to me that the President of the United States is lobbying against it…Frankly, it’s hard to even comprehend how out of touch he is on this issue. Think about it: At a moment when millions are out of work, gas prices are literally skyrocketing and the Middle East is in turmoil, we’ve got a President who is up making phone calls trying to block a pipeline here at home. It’s really almost unbelievable.”
Unbelievable indeed; the Keystone XL Pipeline would have created 20,000 new jobs in the next two years and that number would balloon to half a million by 2035! But President Obama decided to put is FAR LEFT environmental views ahead of the well-being of Americans. Do you think a President should put his EXTREMIST beliefs ahead of job creation and cheaper prices at the pump?
As Senator McConnell said, the President is “out of touch” with most Americans. In 2011, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. was asked about gas prices the President responded:
“If you’re complaining about the price of gas and you’re only getting 8 miles a gallon, you know…you might want to think about a trade-in.”
Given the staggering unemployment rate in the United States today, do YOU think it is reasonable for the President to DEMAND that average Americans buy new vehicles rather than doing all he can to lower gas prices?! Remember, this is the SAME man who stated that he was in FAVOR of higher gas prices in the United States. This is the SAME man who appointed an Energy Secretary who also came out in FAVOR of raising gas prices.
But that isn’t the worst of it. President Obama may not care about the near depression levels of unemployment in the United States, but he sure does care about keeping HIS job. In a March 2012 interview, Fox News reporter, Ed Henry, asked the President the following question:
“Your critics say on Capitol Hill that you want gas prices to go higher, because have said before that will wean the American people off fossil fuels into renewable fuels. How do you respond to that?”
President Obama’s response:
“Ed, just from a political perspective, do you think the President of the United States going into re-election wants gas prices to go up higher? Is there anybody here who thinks that makes a lot of sense?”
Once again, Obama’s ambition outpaces his principles. This is the sort of political trickery that we are used to seeing out of liberals. This plan is meant to hoodwink the American people into giving President Obama another term to further erode American prosperity from the inside. Do you support a President who will do ANYTHING to save his own job and cares more about his LEFT WING environmental policies than he does about YOUR job?