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Obama Openly Violating Your 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights!

Fellow Conservative,

First of all, I want to congratulate you. With your help, we turned the heat up on Congress and got the Obama administration to back down on the biggest gun grab in history.

The Social Security Administration was reportedly rolling out a new program that would take the millions of retirees that need help managing their finances and add them to the gun background check prohibited persons list. It would have disarmed millions of Americans.

Thanks to your help, we turned up the heat on the SSA and Congress and the administration has backed down.

But with each victory comes a new threat. We may have temporarily defeated one gun control executive order, but another one is coming down the pike.

The Obama administration is still moving forward with a program to stomp on your 1st and 2nd amendment rights simultaneously!

Don't let Obama gut the Bill of Rights! Sign the petition and send your FaxBlasts demanding that Congress put a stop to this unconstitutional executive action!

This is how it works. The State Department manages something called the International Trade in Arms Regulations (ITAR). They are responsible for stopping American citizens Sent from my iPhone

But now, this standard is being liberally applied to ideas and speech.

No longer do these regulations apply just to tangible weapons. Now, the Obama administration wants to outlaw gun-related free-speech on the Internet!

It has never been easier to get into guns. All the information you need to get started is at your fingertips. Gun safety classes, instructions on how to assemble/disassemble firearms, how to reload ammunition… But all that could all change.

Under this new regulation, the Obama administration says its goal is to “address the electronic transmission and storage of unclassified ‘technical data’ via foreign communications infrastructure.” Here's one of the problems. When you send or receive something over the Internet, that data's journey isn't limited to the United States. Google, for example, has web servers all over the world. Even if you are emailing someone across town, your message could very easily travel abroad first. 

This is where Constitutional rights clash with National Security concerns.

Make no mistake: you have a right to free speech and if you want to talk and teach/learn about firearms, you have every right to. If you design a firearm, or want to build your own, you have every right to access those design files. If you want to have a discussion with other people about reloading ammunition, you have every right to.

But under Obama's newest executive action, those actions would be felonies and punishable with up to 20 years in prison and a million dollar fine!

The Obama administration is finalizing this regulation as we speak! Don't let the President ban gun-related speech! Click to stop him!

What the Obama administration is saying is that some ideas are simply too dangerous to be disseminated. We couldn't disagree more.

The British tried to apply this same regulation to revolutionary documents during the American Revolution. Pamphlets detailing how to build and repair muskets were banned. According to the Crown, British subjects had no business learning how to manufacture weapons.

To the British, this was treason. But we know better than that. These writings were liberating.

When you examine the Obama administration's actions through this lens, the President's goals couldn't be clearer.

The last thing Barack Obama or the Democrats want is for the American people to know so much about firearms that they could build them from scratch. Every American has a right to keep and bear arms, but nowhere in the Bill of Rights does it say those arms must be purchased.

In the words of Patrick Henry, "are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense?"

Whether you're interested in guns or not, you must rise up against this. When we allow the government to ban one type of speech, then ALL speech is at risk!

Don't let Obama gut the Bill of Rights! Sign the petition and send your FaxBlasts demanding that Congress put a stop to this unconstitutional executive action!


Max McGuire

Conservative Daily

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