Fellow Conservative,
It’s over. US Intelligence has collected aerial photographs proving that Iran is currently “sanitizing” one of its suspected nuclear facilities. The are using heavy machinery to move earth and cover up evidence of nuclear weapons development. This is absolutely breaking news.
Remember when I told you that Iran negotiated a side deal for one of its nuclear sites, the Parchin Military Complex? Remember how I told you that the Obama administration deliberately tried to hide this side deal from Congress, in violation of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act?
Well, right now, Iranian bulldozers and excavators are hard at work trying to cover up nuclear evidence. According the Iran’s side deal with the IAEA, Iran needs to submit soil samples by October 15th. The Obama administration says that regardless of what Iran might be doing, it will be impossible to completely hide evidence of nuclear activity.
But here’s the rub: The side deal that Iran negotiated – which Obama ILLEGALLY withheld from Congress – dictates that Iran can collect its own soil samples.
This is absolutely madness. Iran could collect the sample from 5 miles away and we would never know.
Obama says that this deal is ‘trust and verify.’ Well, we just verified that Iran has been working for months to cover up nuclear research and Obama still trusts them. What an idiot.
This comes on the heels of Iran formally charging us with violating the deal. The Iranians assert that the rhetoric coming out of the White House violates the nuclear agreement.
Seems harmless, right? Wrong.
The proposed Iranian nuclear deal is 159 pages long. But the only thing you need to read is tucked away on page 19 in paragraph 36.
This is the part of the agreement that dictates the terms of how each country can withdraw from it.
In order for Iran to withdraw from the nuclear agreement, they only need to formally claim that the United States or other European nations have violated the deal. Iran just needs to claim that the West is “not meeting its commitments” under the deal (which Iran just did). Then, the clock starts ticking. There will be 35 days of appeals and meetings. If at the end of this timeframe Iran still believes that the issue “has not been resolved to its satisfaction,” Iran has the right to “"cease performing its commitments under this [nuclear deal] in whole or in part."
So let’s get this straight… Iran was caught trying to sanitize its nuclear site before inspections begin and now the Islamic Republic has formally begun the procedure to withdraw from the deal. And Obama really believes this is the step forward?
The President doesn’t care whether the nuclear agreement is successful or not. He is just trying to build a monument to himself.
The President is making a full press and there is already a rumor that he has convinced a handful of Congressmen to change their votes to support this suicidal deal.
Yesterday, Obama vowed to veto any resolution against his nuclear deal with Iran. Even with Iranian construction crews working around the clock to sanitize their secret nuclear facility – the one Americans aren’t allowed to inspect at all – Obama is still pushing this horrible deal down our throats.
Enough is enough! Don’t let Obama lift the sanctions against the Iranian regime and give this radical regime $150 Billion dollars!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily